cold heart killer

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Elizabeth and Aaron au

Elizabeth was falling apart.

Each day she went on with the knowledge that her boyfriend was cheating on her and it ripping her apart from the inside out.

She had found out weeks ago, after all of her friends had gone out to a party and Aaron claimed he was busy with school, so he had stayed home.

It wasn't until Elizabeth had came home to Aaron's apartment that he had seen the lipstick stains on the collar of his shirt that weren't hers.

She tried her hardest to ignore the ache in her chest when she thought about it, making excuse after excuse for the boy she loved with her whole being.

There was no way Aaron- the boy she talked about a long life with, the boy that knew all of her closest secrets and everything about her would do this to her.

Would he?

It was two weeks later, when Elizabeth started finding items of clothing, girls clothing, that wasnt hers that she started to believe it. First it was some socks, then a tank top, until finally, tonight she noticed the black bra, much bigger than the one she wore hidden behind the frame of his bed.

She kept it to herself, silently crying herself to sleep every night while she slept beside the very man breaking her heart every night. Sage and Rhea were too protective of her, and if she told them, they would no doubt find Aaron and probably kill him.

And she didn't want that. No matter how many times the sweet boy lied to her face or told her he loved her while sleeping with someone else, she could never wish anything horrible on him.

She was supposed to be working a shift at work until eleven but the place was abandoned so her boss told her to take off. It was early, around nine and Aaron had said he was hanging out with the boys and wouldn't be home until late.

Her heart dropped when she saw the text, fiddling with her phone in her hands before she texted her male best friend Grayson, asking him what he was doing.

When Grayson responded, it was the answer that Elizabeth had feared.

hey, loser, I'm not doing much, it's just me and rhea right now. ethan went out with sage and alex while jack and mel are around, probably fucking. aaron already texted and said he was swamped with school work tonight and was staying in with you tonight. hope you guys have fun

A sob escaped Elizabeth's lips as she read the message, just sending a small, Thanks :), in response.

She walked to their combined closet, her stiff being littered everywhere since she practically lived here and changed into some leggings and a hoodie- Aaron's hoodie and laid in their bed, crying until her head hurt, her throat was raw and she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore.


On the other side of campus, Aaron was walking home, hating himself.

He thought of his girlfriend, his beautiful girlfriend Elizabeth and how he was hurting her more and more everyday and couldn't even bare the thought of her finding out.

He knew he should tell her and stop lying to her, but a life without Elizabeth was life he didn't know how to live. A life he didn't want to live.

He jogged up the steps to his apartment building, unlocking his door, seeing his girlfriend curled up on their bed.

He noticed she was wearing his hoodie, the black one that was way too big for her and that she looked adorable in and he smiled, right before the guilt swelled in his heart.

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