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you so fucking precious when you smile....

on a typical day in aaron's life, his head was filled. he sat on the couch, t.v playing softly in the background, but he wasn't paying attention in the slightest. his eyes and heart were trained on the beautiful girl with her head rested in his lap, concentrating on her favorite book. she had read it a million times before, but that hadn't mattered. she read it all the time anyway.

he watched as she furrowed her eyebrows while she was reading, how the slight curve of her lips changed if she came across a part she thought was cute, the soft sighs she let out at the sad parts and the way her fingers tapped the sides if the book slowly, always in a pattern. he noticed all of the smallest things in elizabeth, mostly because he was trying to find something, anything that wasn't perfect. everything about her was beautiful to him, inside and out, and it baffled him more and more everyday. how he got so lucky, he'll never know.

elizabeth knew her boyfriend was staring at her, but she didn't look up. it gave her butterflies to have his eyes on her, because it reminded her of the first time they met all over again. and despite having been together for something like two years, he still made her feel as nervous and gooey as when they first started going out.

aaron was everything she had thought never existed in a boy, and everything she never knew she wanted. she loved him with her whole entire heart, and she never wanted to imagine a time where he wasn't apart of her.

she blew a whisp of her long brown her out of her face and re-concentrated her eyes on her favorite books, valuing the fact that she had this type of relationship. the kind where you can simply exist together in harmony, and it feels like home.

after a while, she decided that she couldn't wait any longer. aaron always did this; staring at her for mass amounts of time and never saying anything. she wanted to know what went through his mind when he looked at her like that.

elizabeth looked up slowly, connecting the couples eyes. aaron didn't startle or blush, he just kept looking, kept watching the love of his life look back at him.

his girlfriend raised an eyebrow, questioning look in her eyes, soft smile on her lips. "what?"

aaron's own lips titled up, as his heart fluttered. he shook his head as if to say 'nothing', but she wasn't convinced. this happened on way mor than one occasion. he did it while elizabeth was in the kitchen, when she was watching t.v, when she was getting ready, when they were out with their friends-- all the time.

so elizabeth set her book down carefully in the wooden coffee table in front if their couch, making sure to keep her page, and sat up, swinging her legs on either side if aaron's legs, positioning herself properly in her boyfriends lap.

this was another thing that made being with aaron so special. if you told her high school self that she'd be comfortable enough around a significant other to do things like this, she would probably cry. it never seemed possible, but with aaron she felt okay enough, comfortable enough to do things like this. and it made her the happiest person alive.

"i don't believe you," she said playfully, wrapping her arms around his neck. "you're always staring at me like this. i want to know why."

aaron ran his eyes across her tanned face. "i look at you because you're beautiful." elizabeth paused, heart stopping as he continued. "i look at you because i'm trying to find something, just anything i don't like about you. but i can't. every time i look at you, it feels like the first time. every time i stare at you, i'm trying to memorize your features, even though i've done so a million times before. every single time i look at you i'm wondering how the fuck i got so lucky to find someone like you. you are the best thing i've ever had, the best person i've ever met. looking at you makes me feel like falling in love all over again, because that's what happens to me everyday. everyday i'm with you, i fall in love with you all over again, and i love it. i love you. and i never want to stop falling."

by the time aaron was finished, elizabeth was a mess. tears flowed freely down her face and she knew that she didn't have to say anything. she knew he knew how she felt. so she simply kissed him, soft and slow and full of love, then pulled away hugged him tightly.

and how long they stayed like that, they'll never know.

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