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Milanna boxed up the last of her dance clothes, including her old ballet shoes from a century ago. Her mother began to cry. She was leaving for a dance school, in Canada, Milanna was lucky enough to have a scout attend her current dance company's recital. Which meant scholarship, and Milanna wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to go. It was probably not Pennsylvania. But at the point, Milanna was ready for a change of atmosphere.

"You're leaving, so big now.", her mother said. Milanna rolled her eyes, reaching over to hug her mother. Her dad was really a rolling stone, in and out of the house, doing god know's what. So leaving her mother behind , was a big risk. But she did it none the less,.

"You're flight leaves tommorow so I suggest you get some rest.", she said. Her voice was raspy. MIlanna nodded, putting all the boxes to the side. She walked into the restroom , letting the faucet run, and threw cold water onto her face.


"Bye, do not eat too much junk, don't get any piercings or any tatooes.", my mom said pacing around. I almost laughed, but decided not to be bitter, I reached over inhaling her honey scent.

"I'll be fine, I'm only trying it out, for a school year, and if I don't likeit, I'll be coming right back.", I said to her. My voice muffled in her big sweater, as I continued to hug her. Eventually she let go, waving me off. I waved back. slugging my big suitcases, along with me.


The school was a dull, but incredibly huge one at that. With built in dormatories.

I slugged my luggage, towards that direction. Believe me, I didn't really know much, about where I was supposed to go. About a mile later, my suitcase made it's way through the housing office. At least that's what I thought it said, the label was rusty. I halted, noticing how brightly colored the walls were, nothing like the outside.

"Mhm, how may I help you?"said the lady behind the desk. My attention turned to her, and I smiled.

"I'm trying to find my dorm", I said. She nodded, tapping away at her ancient computer. "Name?", she asked bluntly. "Milanna Porter."

"12T, You're paired with Reese Aver.", she said looking up at me.

"Thank you.", I said , taking the keys passed over the table. I followed through the maze of halls, and found twelve.

I spun the dangerously unlocked door, to find her. Reese had brown hair, and matching eyes. Her nirvana shirt, gave her a vogue look.

"Uh hi.", I said noticing she hadn't noticed me.

Reese took the liberty to give me the up-and-down, before grinning at me, exposing her perfect rows of tooth.

"So you're Milanna.", she asked, matter-a-factly.

"Yup.", I said.

"Ya mind?", I asked pointing to the top bunk. She nodded.

I piled my suitcases into the compact closet, that was wide open waiting for me. I climbed the staircase to the bed, tired already.

"Ah-ah-ah, don't get too comfy, we have orientation, in about thirty minutes, and opening party.", Reese said her lips curving into a wicked smile.

"You do realized you're basically a stranger.", I said. Reese rolled her eyes playfully, and opened up my huge suitcases.

"Unpack.", she said suddenly. And for some odd reason I got up and did so.


"Ok, students, old and new , welcome to BJM dance.", the principle said loudly through her microphone. We all cheered, taking the pamphlets , that were being passed around.

"Uniforms can be bought , at the front office, everybody should have their schedules and if not the front office is still open for the next twenty minutes.", the principle said quickly. She then smiled leaving the podium. Students began to leave the grass area, including us. I followed Reese through the maze until we landed in front of three dormitories, they were

Senior forms, apparently.

"Hey.", Reese said to the guy standing against the door.

He was some sort of bouncer.

The guy nodded high-fiving her letting us both in.

The senior rooms were much bigger then freshmen, there was tons of people sprawled out everywhere, drinking and smoking. I took one whiff and was done.

"Want something to drink?", Reese asked noticing my displeased face.

I nodded, noticing this guy messing with the laptop, which played all the music. He had slightly quiffed hair, brown eyes, and a small smile kept. He looked up at the groupie that was in front of him. She was pretty a dead-look-a like for Reese. But wait a second, that was Reese. I took the opportunity to move closer. I was right.

"Hey.", I said tapping her shoulder.

"Speaking of the devil.", Reese said smirking.

"We were just talking about how you do theatre.", she said smiling.

I looked over to him, and smiled. "Yeah, big theatre nerd.", I said looking at him.

"Oh, my name is Shawn.", he said extending his hand.His smile was bright but calm, if that makes sense. My heart almost stopped beating, right then and there.

"I'm Milla.", I said shocked at my sentence. Reese kept her smirk on,which I had grown accustomed to.

"So are you going to audition for , "Once upon a Mattress ?", he asked me.

Before I could answer, Reese spoke.

"Is that your way of asking her to sleep with you?", Reese joked. My eyes widen, and I chocked on my drink. Shawn's cheeks began to grow a reddish pink color, and he let out a low chuckle.

"Nope, I'm talking about the actual play, unless....", he said in a sing-songy voice. My face grew hot, as they both playfully stared at me.", I'll audition, are you doing it too?", I asked him.

"Something like that", he said .

"Why d-?" , I asked before a shout interrupted me.

"Out, everybody out.", said the watchdog. Reese grabbed my hand, and I looked back at Shawn. He waved smirking at me. I waved back, letting Reese pull me away. And that was the start, to my cheesy American movie, scene.


A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this chappie! Leave some comments , about anything.

💕Kaia💕 VOTE***

Electric Soul©

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