Just a little note...

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A.N: Ok first of all I just wanted to say that it means so so much to be chosen as the author to continue this story! (You literally have no idea!) I promise all you, who are fans and readers of this book, I won't let you down. I will try to update fairly frequently and I will try my hardest to make sure that the chapter's are the best they can be. And I think I need to say thankyou to @ofmiceandcait14 for starting this book in the first place, she's an amazing writer! If y'all could try and vote and support me with the book it would mean a lot as I will try and VERY hardest to make the book the best for all of you! Also if any of you want to just message me and be like 'hi' don't be afraid to! Also if any of you want to talk about anything, I'm always here! Or if you want to talk to me on facebook, just ask for it via message. My twiiter is @Slashstwin and if you wanna follow or talk to me on there don't hesitate! Love you all!

- Shalom <3

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