Chapter 13 - Drink to forget the memories

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 "How could I let this happen?" Vic asked himself for the billionth time. He thought his little girl was happy but evidently she's not. He's done nothing but pace her room and stare at pictures of her. He wouldn't cry, he'd just stare, with no thought or emotion. He was almost like a statue, his eyes no longer had the same warmth and glee in them, they had nothing: they were empty. The life and emotion in himself had completely gone. Vic had broken up with his girlfriend aswell: she only wanted Vic for the money, she didn't genuinly love him. Never in his life has he felt so empty and alone. Vic's sordid and downhearted thoughts were cut off my the sounds of someone knocking on the front door. Whilst mumbling a few curse words, Vic walked downstairs and answered the door. He opened the door to see the familiar tattooed, tall figure.

"Hey Mike," he mumbled.

"Vic! Geez, I'm glad you actully answered the door, you've been in the house so long, I thought you were dead or something!" his younger brother mellodramatically yelled, making his brother flinch at the loud tone of his voice. 

"What do you want Mike?" Vic rudely grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"You need to stop moping around. Lacy will be back eventually, try and move on," he said in a serious tone.

"I can't move on knowing that my daughter in a mental hospital," he sighed, a frown plastered on his face. Both men were in silence for a moment until Mike spoke up.

"Be ready by 7:00, I'll be here that time to pick you up," Mike said, his eyes dancing with mischief, as a sly smile crept on his face. 

"Wh-" before Vic could question what his younger brother was scheming, Mike ran to his car and drove off. Even though Vic was confused at what his mischevious younger brother was planning, he decided to do what Mike said, hoping that he wouldn't regret his desision.

*3 hours later*

As Vic put on his pale denim jacket, he sprayed another coat of lynx body spray over himself, inhaling the rich scented chemicals, which were hovering throughout the room. Whilst checking the time on his phone, he heard it vibrate. 

"I'm on my way, I'll be at yours in a few." 

He waited pateintly for Mike to show up and reveal what rediculous plan he'd come up with this time. Not too long later, a pattern of knocking sounds were heard against the door. Running down the stairs, Vic jumped to the bottom and opened the door to see his younger brother. He looked exactly the same as he previously did except now he was wearing a 'Drop Dead' branded snap back and had changed his vans. "C'mon let's go!" Mike enthusicastally cheered, as the two men drove to the unknown destination.


Two hours. It's been two fucking hours since they arrived at the club. Mike's master plan was to get Vic drunk so he could forget about the hurful memories of Lacy. Is it working? No. Whilst Mike was busy having fun, drinking shot after shot, Vic was sitting at a table alone. All the girl's who were at the club were only interested in his drunken, almost paraletic brother.

"Victuuurrr!" Mike slurred, stumbling towards the empty table, narrowly avoiding face planting the ground in the process. "What?" Vic mumbled in reply, facing his drunken state of a brother. "He's going to have a terrible hangover in the morning." he muttered under his breath. "Whyyy aren't you happy?" Mike asked, looking directly into Vic's eyes. "I'm fine." he said, breathing out a heavy sigh, filled with annoyance and irritation. "Have a drink!" he declared, slamming a shot of vodka on the table. Vic lifted the shot glass and downed the alcoholic drink, just to make Mike quit pestruring him. "Yaaayyy! Hey B-Bartender we want more!" Mike rudely demanded, pointing directly at one of the bardenters. One of the Bartenders shortly approached their table and placed a tray of 10 shots on it. Mike gave the Bartender a $20 doller bill as Vic downed shot after shot, the burning liquid trickling down his throat.

5 shots became 10 shots. 10 shots became 15 shots. 15 shots became 20 shots. Let's just say that both Fuentes brothers were beyond smashed by now. 20 shots, a few drunken dances and some make-out sessions later, Vic exited the alcoholic atmosphere, as the music got quiter and quiter. 

A.N, I got a plan which leads on from this chapter in the next one ;) I'm sorry it's really short and boring but something more interesting will happen in the next chapter ;3 Again please vote and comment feedback! 

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