Chapter 1

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"Why?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. I closed my eyes and blinked, "Why pretend to care about me so much if you're just going to leave me?" I rose up from my fetal position.

"Katherine, I love you. I'm not pretending, you have my heart-" I slapped him. "Save it," I said through gritted teeth. His eyes widened. I walked over to the door and put my hand on the handle.

"Oh, and Sam," I said turning, my hand still on the handle. "I want your stuff out of my house before I come back, or I'll call the police" I opened the fake door and walked out. I heard the curtains draw and the roar of applause coming from behind it. I walked back out to center stage next to Lucas - who played Sam - and, when the curtains opened, bowed. The curtains closed once more, and my smile was uncontrollable.

I practically ran backstage and thanked everyone who helped set up the play. As I was saying thank you to Julia, my eyes caught what I thought to be a girl being taken out the back door. Her legs were kicking the air, and her arms were flailing trying to hit her attacker. I excused myself from Julia and ran to see what was going on. Perhaps I just saw things, whatever it was there was no way I was going to let it go without checking to see if the girl was okay or not. I went to my coat at the side of the stage and picked up my jacket and took pepper spray from my purse and placed it in my pocket. Before I knew it, I was at the backstage exit. I could hear my heart beating loudly in my ears while I twisted the handle slowly, very slowly. I stepped out where the theatres' parking lot was, the cold air hitting me in the face causing me to flinch.

I heard faint whimpers coming from around the corner of the building and started to inch closer to it. My heartbeat was erratic but nowhere near as loud as my heels that were clicking on the pavement. When I finally made it to the corner, my heart sunk.

In front of me now was a large man sinking his - are those fangs? - Into the neck of the poor woman, who doesn't stand a chance. I felt my eyes start to sting as I notice the woman becoming limper in his arms. "S-stop t-that!" I yelled, trying to sound brave but the fear was evident in my voice. He looked at me, and I swear his eyes turned a shade darker than they were before. He dropped the girl to the ground, and my breathing hitched. I stepped back and prepared to run, but he was faster.

He grabbed my wrist, and I yelped in pain, he was so strong it felt like my wrist going to snap in half. Am I going to die? Probably. Am I dreaming? No. What do I do? He's a man, kick his crotch. Before I could think of the repercussions, my knee flew up and connected with his groin which, in turn, cause him to mutter a profanity and release his grip on my wrist. I took this moment to attempt to escape; I ran as fast as my legs could carry me in these blasted heels.

I made it as far as the door before I felt something grab my waist and spin me around. "Where are you going, Little sheep?" My whole body froze. My heart started to speed up, and I tried for his groin again. This time, however, he predicted my movements and trapped my legs in between his. I tried to free my legs from his but it was no use, he was just too strong, and I was just too weak.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What do I do? Should I scream? Will anyone hear me? The parking lot is just over there. I took a deep breath and yelled at the top of my lungs. His large hand covered my mouth, and my sound became muffled. He leaned in and nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck, "You smell good, you know?" His voice was barely a whisper; his lips grazed the flesh on my neck. I froze. What does he mean I 'smell good?' He lifted his head to look me in the eyes causing my heart to skip a beat. Why is it doing that? Out of fear, of course!

"Your little heart is going so fast, the things I could do to you right no-" he lifted his head into the air and started looking around. Footsteps. I was about to yell again, but before I could, I was pulled into a nearby alleyway. He pushed me up against the wall and, sadly for me, we blended in with the shadows around us. My breath caught in my throat when I start to hear the footsteps get louder and louder. Suddenly, I am pushed further into the wall, the strangers' body pressed flush up against my own. My cheeks redden, and my heart races again.

I relaxed my body and mumbled against his hand. He takes his hand off my mouth, leaving it to hover over my mouth. "I won't run away" I lied. His figure started to relax, and he took a step back. Goodness, he's dumb. I bit my lip and looked around for a possible escape. To my dismay, there are none. The footsteps are getting farther away. My pepper spray! I reached into my pocket and took it out slowly; the stranger was preoccupied with watching the alleyways' entrance. I unbuckled the pepper sprays' safety latch and sprayed the strangers' face. He backed up and threw his hand to his face to rub his eyes.

I ran towards the end of the alleyway; I could practically taste it. Soon enough, the stranger was on top of me in a flash. My back was pressed against the hard pavement, and the stranger was on top of me. He weighs a fucking ton! I tried to breathe in, and I was back up against the wall in a second. The strangers' hand were now around my neck making it harder for me to breathe, It felt like he was crushing my throat. I tried to hit him, balling my hands into fists wasn't working. I felt my nervous system shutting down, and black dots were clouding my vision.

"P-please, S-stop" I tried to say, my words sounded horse. This is it; I'm going to die. Why am I fighting it? I stopped trying, I started feeling heavy, and the stranger suddenly lets me go. I didn't realize how dependent I was on him until I hit the ground, hard. I put my hand around my throat and started rubbing my neck soothingly, trying to catch my breath. I coughed, my mouth tasted like blood, but none was coming from my mouth. The stranger was just standing there, watching me. He ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times, no doubt he's was trying to figure out what to do with me. I wanted to run, but so far running has done nothing to help.

What would you do if you were in a situation like this? Shut up, Jess. It'd be only you to find yourself in a predicament like this. I scolded myself. I dropped my head into my lap and bit back the sobs that were now threatening to surface. I played it off with a cough. All of a sudden, I felt courageous. I wanted him to fear me. Without even thinking, I rose to my feet and demanded he tells me his name. His fingers stopped midway through his hair. I noticed a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Alec, and you are...?" I hadn't realized how deep and melodious his voice was. In fact, I hadn't noticed how beautiful he was up until this point. That's what happens when you're trying to save yourself, Jess. Stuff like- I don't know- your attacker looking like a god just slips your mind. I gave him a quick once over and noticed something; he is probably twice my size. No duh, he's able to catch up to you, he's physically active. I gave myself a mental face-palm.

Alec clears his throat, loudly. Did he say something? Oh shit, my name. "Uh, my names' Jessica, or Jess," I said timidly. He breathes out a small, "Lovely name," before pushing me up against the alleyway wall again. "Too lovely to not make people forget..." I gulp and stare at him wide-eyed as he nudges my neck with his nose again inhaling deeply. "N-no. Stop-stop it!" I shout pushing him away, only to have him replaced seconds later in the same spot he was before. I shove and push him harder. Only, he doesn't budge this time. How long does this guy work out! I scream in my head. He looks at me and smirks, "Never" Only then did I realize, I didn't scream it in my head, I said it out loud. Way to go Jess.

Wait, did he say never. He's lying. I work out -almost- every day, and I'm average weight. "You're lying," I shook my head and turned it to the side. His hand went to my chin and pulled my face to look at his. Can he hurry this up? "Are you going to kill me, or are you going to let me go?" I seethed, looking at him with as much venom as I could muster. "I'm sorry, Little sheep," He looked, sighed, and backed away from me, "I can't let you go, you've seen too much."

He grabs me, and soon we are rushing off away from the theatre. Everything passed by so quickly. I felt myself getting dizzier. A nauseousness started to form in my lower abdomen. I groan and pass out. The darkness immersed me in a tight hug that wasn't necessarily painful.


I hope you enjoyed this. I know this first chapter is a little uneventful. I apologize, but I'm sure if you keep reading it's going to go 0 to 100 real quick. Also, a massive shout out to my new friend Shar, without her this story would already be in the in the bin by now.

Much love,

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