Part 3

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The whole of London were wondering about the dissappearance of Mr. Boyd . Meanwhile there were two more murders comitted in London.  One of Mr. Henry a well known industrialist and another of Mr. Bond a very well known banker. They voth were committed  between 12 midnight and 1 am. The police were baffled as they could not find any link asas to how these men were related. One fine day there came a telegram for the police it said "All members of the  Buckworth Manor should assemble in the dining hall . No exceptions -Boyd". The police followed the instructions.  Now Mr. Boyd arrived. He asked were there any new servants employed. Mr. James Buckworth replied that their butler was a new one. His name was Thompson. Mr. Boyd asked the butler to be summoned and also all the servants. All the household members assembled and the Mr. Boyd started speaking. He enlighted the family on the two murders that had taken place in London in the course of the week . He also said that the murders were committed in the same way as Major Hodson was murdered.  Everybody was shocked . He said further that the common link between the three men was a secret society they all were a part of. They knew abit too much about someone and had planned to expose him. But that was not the cause of their murder. They were killed by a man who used to work with them but later went on to the other side. Now this man is among us today. I will name him he is....

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