We had to have this one /part 2/

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Dear Mark,

When did you originally write this letter? How long has it been sitting in your saved drafts until one day you sent it? Was it an accident? Were you just looking at it and hit send without realizing? Or did you finally decide it was time?

Why wouldn't you tell me as soon as you felt this?

I don't believe in the multi-verse.

Would you like to know why? Because then you question everything. You make an excuse for everything.

I don't like that. I'd rather be honest. The reason I do what I do is because I decided and not because of the cosmos. Me. I decide.

I decide what shirt to wear and who to love and I don't worry about sending a ripple through the cosmic void to hurt another version of me.

I've been sitting at my computer for a while now. Each sentence I type takes me several minutes. Is this how you felt?

I have so many regrets now.

Most of them are you.

Did you know I watched your videos long before I even made my first? I wanted nothing more than to be your friend. I wanted to be just like you.

Imagine my sorrow when I became just like you and you turned out to be nothing like what I imagined. Imagine my joy when I found out you were better in every way. You were human.

And then you left? We were good. So good. And you cut me out? I can't blame you, I never thought the fan base would turn into a frenzy like it did. Maybe it's our own fault.

Maybe it's not.

It's late here. If I send this you'll get it right away. I should wait. But I've waited long enough. So have you.

Mark, if you're willing to be selfish and damn another version of yourself for me please do it.

Because I'm waiting. Waiting to share it all with you.

I love you too.


A/N I think this is a good end. To everything. This fic. Maybe this book, for a while at least.

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