Left brain, Right brain

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"This is Mark, the left brain: objective, logical, cold, analytical,
Aware of patterns, aware of trends, he's efficient, and a prick
This is Jack, the right brain: subjective, creative, sensory,
Aware of feelings, aware of people, he's emotional, and an idiot,
Okay, boys, play nice."

Mark walked, feeling his anger slowly rise with each nervous titter from his companion. Mark was attempting to figure out the weekly crossword, searching through the long term memory banks for the answers. Unfortunately, it looked like a hurricane had been through here.

More specifically a hurricane named Jack. Apparently, Jack thought it prudent to throw out all this valuable information in order to store—Mark picked up a file at random—a memory of a dog licking its balls.

Mark sighed and threw it back into the filing cabinet. Leave it to the right brain to screw up his perfect organization system. 

That was his job as left brain, he handled the thinking part of the job, the doing, he figured things out and make sure they got done, made sure they got a good job and survived until death. In his opinion, it was the logical and better part of the brain.

Now, the man nervously walking behind him was right brain. He did...everything else. He dealt with the emotions, the feelings, finding their true love.

"Mark, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you needed all those files. There just wasn't enough room for some things I needed to store so I looked for stuff I didn't think we'd need," Jack apologized, he had tears welling in his eyes.

Mark sighed. He had learned long ago that being mad at Jack was useless. He was too soft, too emotional, and too caring to handle someone being mad at him. Besides, Mark thoughtful pulling Jack in and planting a gentle kiss on the top of Jack's head, he loved him too much to stay mad.

"It's fine," Mark said into Jack's hair, "we'll find it, eventually. Together? Okay?"

Jack sniffed a couple times and rubbed some snot onto Mark's shirt, "Promise you aren't mad?"

Mark sighed, "Anger is illogical."

Jack finally perked up, "I'm sure I left the file you need here!" Jack shouted as he ran deeper into the memories.

Mark followed behind him, "Do you even know what I'm looking for?" Jack stopped short and turned back to the brown haired man and shook his head, "This was document that ran the US government before the Constitution. That means we need to look through anything from college government. Unfortunately, there was apparently a dog outside the window that day in class and you stored that over my information. That means we need to look through high school memories. Do you know what that means?"

Jack swallowed thickly, "We have to go into the edge."

Mark nodded solemnly, "And what do I say about the edge?"

"Neither of us can enter the edge alone because it's dangerous."

Mark took a deep breath and looked down the memory hallway to the set of doors in the back labeled,

The Edge
Enter at own risk
Memories have been warped and twisted

Neither of them had been in here what seemed like forever. The last time that they had to get information from The Edge was at their five year reunion for high school. Thank god this wasn't deep into the edge. Memories are near impossible to find if they are deeper than the age of ten.

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