Great Sage x Main Hero (Miitopia)

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Main Hero Name: Miho

Great Sage Name: Mike

When Miho first saw Great Sage Mike she was in awe, his powers were magnificent and was able to call off the Dark Lord Loki.

She admitted herself she had a hero crush on him! Even her first teammate Ben could see it, but then came her doupts. How could the all knowing, all powerful Great Sage in all of Miitopia ever like her back?

She was a warrior barely reaching level 9 and she and her team can barely take out a monster on there own.

She was weak and clumsy, she was too kind for her own good. Sometimes she'd let monsters go because of the pity she felt for them, and in the end they'd still attack her.

Miho had to face it, she was a dead last and a good for nothing. At least her team are always by her side, Miho sighed before shifting again in her small beds in the inn.

Ben was on the other side of the room sleeping peacefully, the soft quiet noises of Greenhorn. Miho deciding instead of wasting her time thinking she should get some sleep, she has a lot of monsters to defeat tomorrow.

Miho closed her eyes and then after 15 minutes found herself in a room full of light, Miho quickly covered her eyes at the bright light.

"Ho Ho my child, I sense something is bothering you! May I presume it's a certain Sage?"

The Divine Spirit! And how did they know!?

"My child love is such a complicated thing yes?"

Miho quickly nodded her head

"Well you see I'll let you on a little secret my child, it may not seem big now but it will be later!"

Miho nodded slowly and a confused face adorned on her face

"Well let's just say....your Great Sages favorite right now my child"

Favorite, Miho shook her head at this. It sure didn't much to her right now, the Divine Sipirt chuckled.

'I see the future and I can see these two are going to have some.....complications, but that's ok. Because I know these two were made for Eachother since the day they've met'

"Alright my child, it's time for you to wake up and fight more monsters!"

Miho quickly nodded "I know, and try my best!"

"You always try your best, even when you don't win the first time you still get back up and fight your way through!"

Miho blushed by that, she was glad. And very happy! It was time to shine!

Watch out Miitopia! Miho and her team are gonna save Miitopia!

Great Sage x Main Hero (Miitopia)Where stories live. Discover now