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I wake up the next morning. I'm about to get up however I realise Zion is not only sleeping next to me, but his arms are wrapped around my torso securely. I decide to try and move however when my eyes land on his face, I feel hypnotised and instead analysis his features. I always knew he was good looking but I never really took the time to inspect his soft lips or dark eyebrows. Maybe because I had never seen him when he was vulnerable like this. I know if he ever caught me staring, I would never hear the end of it.

As I see Zion's eyes flutter open, I quickly shut mine. My eyes are shut but I feel him looking at me. His hands caress my face, gently pushing my hair behind my ears. At that moment I open my eyes pretending to only just wake up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you,"

"It's fine, I needed to get up for school anyways," School, "Zion! We have school. Get ready, what time is it?"

Zion reaches over to his phone to check the time, still half asleep, "8:45."

"Zion, hurry up. We'll be late," I jump out of my bed and into the bathroom. When I get back I don't see Zion, however I see a text from him.

'Hey, ran to my house to get ready plus didn't want your mom to see me. I'll pick you up in 5 x' I didn't see any point in replying as I was going to see him soon.

I smile at the text daydreaming but I am snapped out of my trance by a horn beeping telling me Zion is waiting for me outside. I jog downstairs and into his car. He zooms to school in a record of 3 minutes and we get there just before the bell.

We make our way to form and I notice Jess and Brandon are talking to each other from across the tables.

Zion sits next to Brandon and when I sit next to Jess, she immediately gives me a look telling me she needs to speak to me. I nod showing I understand and because Zion and Brandon were talking to us, I texted Jess telling her to tell me when the boys go to their next lesson and she silently agrees with a nod.

"What are you guys doing for the holidays?" Brandon questions referring to the week break we get.

"I don't know, probably nothing," I reply.

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything either," Jess agreed.

"Great you guys can come down to my parents lake house for a few days,"

"That sound awesome, its about to be turnt!" Zion squealed in excitement like a little girl.

"Yeah it sounds great, who else is coming?" I question wondering if it will just be close friends or not.

"Well it will only be us four, Nick, Austin, Edwin, Molly and Katie staying there but one of the days I'm thinking of throwing a party so hopefully it'll be a cool time." Brandon answered.

"Brandon, your parties are always the best, you don't need to worry," Jess compliments him casually but when she caresses his arm, it doesn't go unnoticed.

The bell goes indicating form is over and we have 5 minutes to get to our next class. Enough time for Jess to explain her situation.

"What's up?" I ask her as soon as we part ways from the boys.

"So... I think I like Brandon," that explains the whole touchy feely thing, "I don't know if he likes me back or anything and lately we've been spending a lot of time alone together but I don't know if it will ruin our friendship and I don't know if he even likes me but I just needed to tell someone because I wanted to let my feelings out." I'm glad she talked to me about it because it shows she trusts me and I wouldn't give her a reason not to.

"Do you want me to talk to him or-

"No! He'll know I like him,"

"I won't make it obvious. I'll just be like 'oh Jess looked cute today don't you think' and see what he says."

"Okay but don't make it obvious and don't say it in front of anyone, ok bye," Jess said as we went to our lesson, I replied with a wave.

Jess and Brandon would be the cutest couple ever. I'm going to get them together, whatever it takes.

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Best Mistake// Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now