Chapter 18

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7 years later

so before i start the story i'll fill you in. So after the incident skye went back to England when she was fully recovered. she went to college and now she's got a record deal. She's done 1 world tour and has over 9 million followers on instagram and twitter and she has 13 million subscribers on youtube. She's still dating Daniel but they aren't as close anymore. she still talks to the boys and India but again they aren't as close. So i'll go back to the story with Skyes P.O.V

Skyes P.O.V

So I'm currently in a meeting sorting out. well trying to sort out my next world tour. "Skye you need to decide what countries and places you're going to." my manager snaps "we've already gone through this" i reply. i never knew being famous is so stressful now i understand why the boys moaned so much. 

3 hours later

so finally after hell is over. er i mean my meeting is over. i go home and then open my laptop and book some flight tickets. you wanna know where i'm going. i'm going to see my boyfriend and best friends. i book a flight for tonight so i pack and then i call my uber. i get in the car and go to Heathrow Airport. When i get there i check my bags in and then go shopping for everyone. yeah you're probably thinking what am i doing i'm a celebrity unprotected in one of the busiest airports in the world. well i'm not i have my manager with me but she'll go when i board. i go to the football shop first for India. I get her a Neymar football top and then i get her a best friend keyring where we have one each from Gucci. For zach i get him the most expensive hair gel i can find. For corbyn i get him new trainers. for Jack i got him some perming things. for jonah i got this microphone thing. finally for daniel i got a guitar thing where it says 'skaniel' and it has a little heart on it too. by the time i got all these things it was time for me to board. "right Skye have fun stay safe and i'll see you in two weeks. i know i don't show it but i really do care about you and i'm sorry i'm always grumpy but working with you for the 5 or 6 years i have made me realize that you're an amazing person and you always see the good in everyone and everything." my manager says. "i'm flattered Ella thank you. i have to go now and i'll see you in two weeks" i reply. we hug and then i make my way on the plane. 

(Skip to when Skye gets off the plane.)

so i go to the carousel thing where i collect my bags and it takes FREAKING YEARS because they get lost. my bags always get lost and it drives me crazy. when i eventually get my bags i call an uber and go to the boys' house because india lives there now. 

oh yeah this is all our ages now:

me: 25

Daniel: 26

jonah: 27

corbyn: 27

zach: 23

jack: 25

india: 23

i get to the front door of the house and i text Daniel. 

s; hey xx

d; heyyy xx

s; how are you xx

d; i'm good i'm just missing you WHEN CAN YOU COME AND VISIT MEEEEEEE xx

s; soon babe soon xx

d; how are you anyway xx

s; i'm great i have a surprise for you xx

d; you have? xx

s; yeah go to the front door xx

d; ok... xx

i hear someone come to the door and it opens. i look up and see Daniel. when he sees me he freezes. his eyes go wide. i drop all my bags and literally jump into his arms. we stay like that for about 5 minutes "skye what are you doing here?!" he exclaims "i came to see you all i couldn't wait any longer i missed you so much." i reply "i missed you too" he says as he squeezes me tight. "right come inside the others will be so happy to see you." says. i get my stuff and walk inside. when i walk in everyone turns round and when they see me they all jump up and run over to me and hug me so tight i nearly suffocate. i say hey to them all but i notice india isn't there. "hey where's india?" i ask "oh she's just gone to the beach." jack says "yeah when she comes back she won't know what to do" jonah says "yeah she'll be blown away" zach says still hugging me. "no i want to go and surprise her now." i say "okay then lets go" daniel says holding my hand and we all walk out the door and head to the beach. when we get there i immediately spot india. she's at the beach shack getting a drink. i tell the boys to wait by her stuff on the sand while i run to the beach shack. i get about 12 feet behind her and shout "my bestie!" she turns around and when she sees me she shouts back "my bestie!" and runs up to me and hugs me tighter than anyone's hugged me today. "oh my god what are you doing here i thought you were in england with your record deal and all that and the world tour and 7 years without you oh my gosh i missed you so much" she says still shouting and hugging me tightly still. people were staring but i didn't mind obviously because i haven't seen in best friend in 7 years "i missed you too much i had to come back i can't believe how grown up you are. the last time i saw you, you were 16 and now you're freaking 23 like actually is life!" i exclaim we hug again and then head back to the boys. India packs her stuff up and then we go back to the house. i give everyone presents and they're all well made up. then we just sit all night talking about everything that's happened in our lives these past 7 years. it feels so good to be back with my best friends. my family. my everything. i don't want to go back. i won't go back. no i have to.

or do I?...



sorry i haven't uploaded for a while it's just Wattpad's being so annoying at the moment saying we're undergoing maintenance and stuff like that. so sort your shiz out bish. 

anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i'll see you in the next one 


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