Chapter 7

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The moment the Probus collapsed, my heart stopped. Kent caught her effortlessly, ignoring the dog as it jumped up. A menacing growl ripped from his throat. I could see past the aggressive exterior. The hound was scared for her.

I stepped forward, placing my hand on his head. He whimpered and stilled beneath my touch. I understood his fear. I had never felt such fear and anger before.

Seeing a Probus beaten and groped in such a manner made my blood boil. I wanted to turn around, go back into that hellish warehouse, and finish the job. I know my twin felt the same. There was something about this Probus. I felt pulled to her. I hated that.

I was curious after hearing about this mysterious Probus. A Probus who was taken by Malum with Finn. What were the odds of that? I wondered if she was a plant from the Praeses or a test they had concocted to assess our Statio.

Seeing her in person, those worries eased. I was still on guard, but it was unlikely a Probus would put themselves through something like this. It was just as hard to believe the alternative, though.

A lost Probus who had grown up outside of our world and had no idea of what she was. She had been living in a fucking warehouse. It went against everything our world stood for. Probus were to be protected and cherished, not left to rot on the streets.

She was gorgeous. I couldn't deny that. Her golden locks reminded me of sunshine, and her eyes were a mixture of blue, green, and a few flecks of amber, like a mixture of the earth and sky. She was too skinny, though. I wouldn't be surprised if dehydration and malnutrition were issues we would need to address.

Turning, I noticed Peter staring up at the warehouse, Finn by his side. I walked around the car to them. I wondered where their heads were.

"This is where she lived," Peter breathed. My earlier realization just now hitting him. It was unimaginable that a Probus would call this place 'home'. A thug run warehouse in a bad part of town.

"Not anymore," I vowed. She would never come back to this place or any place like it. Nobody deserved that, even the worst Probus. We would make sure she ended up somewhere safe.

"Not anymore," Finn echoed. I clamped a hand down on each of their shoulders and steered them back to the car. I steered them right to the trunk. Caspian was sitting with Hadley in the middle. I was up front with Kent. This was the only space available.

Neither complained as they climbed in. The hound was resting his head on the back of the middle seat, his eyes locked on Hadley. Peter and Finn sat across from him. I closed the trunk and headed to the passenger door.

Once I was in, Kent started for home immediately. Caspian cradled Hadley's head in his lap. I caught everyone shooting looks their way, wanting to check on her.

"Peter, you will need to look at her immediately when we get back," Kent ordered. Peter nodded.

I glanced back at him. I could tell he was already planning out exactly what he needed to do, what order to do it in, etc. Peter was a planner. He was an excellent medic. I knew he would take good care of the injured Probus.

I had to hold back a laugh when Finn reached forward to pet the dog. The hound reared back, snapping his head to glare at my brother. He growled menacingly. Finn jerked back, and I couldn't hold it anymore. It helped lighten the atmosphere in the car.

Thankfully, Kent broke some traffic laws to get us back to the Statio in record time. Isaac and Zeke were waiting on the porch. I could practically see the steam coming out of their ears at the sight of the bruised and unconscious Probus. I felt the same way, but anger wouldn't do us any good. If we scared her, she would just run again. She might not survive the next time darkness knocked on her door.

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