Chapter 8

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Energy coursed through my body. It felt like a warm blanket stretching over me, but something about it was off. Not in a bad way, but in a foreign way. It wasn't mine.

Pealing my eyes open, I took in my surroundings. I was in a very familiar bedroom. All at once, memories came crashing back. Being kidnapped, the Kustos, running, Romeo and his gang, Joe. My eyes darted around before landing on the canine in question. I sighed in relief at the sight. He was okay.

The bed shifted, drawing my attention to the figure next to me. She looked to be about my age. Her curly orange hair reminded me of that movie with the Scottish princess. It was French braided back on both sides, but some curls were escaping in places. She was familiar.

Emerald eyes focused on where her hand grasped my arm. The energy. It was coming from her. I let her continue, basking in the comforting sensations. Finally, they stopped, and she released my arm.

"Feeling better?" she asked, smiling at me. I shifted and pushed myself up, amazed at how much better I felt. I was still a little sore, but I didn't feel injured anymore.

"You healed me?" I asked, amazed. I didn't know it felt like that.

"Well, don't be too shocked you can do it too or so I hear." I cracked a smile at that. I liked this girl. For once, my gut didn't disagree, so I decided to be brave.

"I'm Hadley," I told her, sticking out my hand.

"Madeline, but please call me anything but." She shook my hand, smiling. "So, what is going on? I've been sworn to secrecy." Her eyes brightened as she waited for some juicy gossip I didn't have.

"I-I don't know," I replied honestly. "I just found out about all of this yesterday." Her jaw dropped. In any other situation, I probably would have found it comical.

"What do you mean?"

"I was raised in foster care. After I got kidnapped, I met Finn and then the other guys when they rescued us. They explained the whole Probus thing a little but-" I cut off realizing I was probably over sharing.

"Foster care? Kidnapped? Oh, they were so holding out." She got off the bed and headed for the door. I thought she was leaving, but she just stuck her head out and yelled. "Isaac Mitchell, you get your ass up here right now!"

I flinched at the volume, messing with the comforter to distract myself. Joe whined and padded up from the foot of the bed to lie beside me, his head resting on my leg. I rubbed his head, getting a few kisses in return. I must have been pretty bad off if Joe was being this nice to me. Footsteps sounded in the hall.

"All of you get in here," Madeline demanded. Seven bodies piled into the guest bedroom. They situated themselves around the room.

"How are you feeling?" Peter asked, coming up beside the bed.

"Much better," I murmured, a little uncomfortable with all the attention.

"Now, what in the world is going on?" Madeline asked, directing the question at Isaac.

The choice confused me until I looked at the two of them. So close together, there was no mistaking it. They were related. I would guess siblings, but I wasn't for sure. Peter must have noticed my stare.

"Madeline is his younger sister." So that answered that question.

"Mads, we talked about this. We can't answer your questions. You said you were okay with that," Isaac reminded her. Madeline looked frustrated, but reluctantly nodded.

"Well, I hope I can get the full story someday," she said, turning back to me. "And you, if you ever need a break from all the testosterone in this joint just call me." She handed me a piece of paper with her number on it.

"Why?" I couldn't stop myself from blurting. She didn't even know me.

"Because I can see you 're important. Maybe those bozos can't, but I can. Also, I think we are going to be the best of friends someday." Her smiled was infectious, and I found myself returning it. She squeezed my hand before walking to the door. Glancing back at the room, she huffed out a breath.

"I'm going to need a lift back if you want to make sure no one notices my absence." Peter cleared his throat and stepped forward. He glanced at me once before taking her hand. Then they disappeared. I blinked and blinked again. I don't know if I would ever get used to teleportation. Kent cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to the others.

"Why did you run?" Finn asked before Kent could say anything. I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"You lied," I replied, letting my hurt show in my words.

"About what?" Finn asked. He appeared genuinely confused.

"I asked if there was anything else I needed to know," I reminded them. I glanced at Caspian. "You said no. It was a lie. So, what aren't you telling me?"

Look were exchanged. The twins focused on Caspian. He sighed and turned to me.

"There is more going on, but it's complication. We don't understand it, ourselves. I didn't want to worry you or freak you out," he admitted.

"Give us a second chance," Isaac pleaded. "We won't lie, for better or worse."

My first instinct was to scoff and add that to the dishonesty pile, but I could sense his honesty. Kent moved closer to the bed. I tensed out of habit. But he didn't feel like a threat.

"I know these are just empty words. Words you've probably heard before. We are strangers, some of who you just met. Please, give us time to back up those words with actions. You can stay here, be safe, recover, and plan your next move," he said.

I thought over his words. I didn't have anywhere else to go. The streets wouldn't be safe, not that they were usually. Romeo and his gang would be looking for me. At least until I figured something out, this was my best option.

Reluctantly, I nodded. Every single one of them reeked of relief. Multiple smiles lit up the room like stars in the night sky. Glancing at the bathroom behind them, I realized I needed to take care of a few things. Thankfully, Caspian noticed.

"You probably want to wash up," Caspian started. "We'll let you have some peace and quiet."

He herded the others out the door. Finn darted around him to sit on the bed next to me. Joe growled low at him.

"Want me to wash your back?" He wiggled his eyebrows, smirking yet again. I knew he was joking and couldn't help but laugh. It felt good to laugh. He was smiling too until a hand latched onto his ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, dude!" Finn whined as Caspian drug him out of the room.

He closed the door behind them, but not before winking in my direction. It made my smile grow. I sat there dazed a second before shaking it off. I didn't understand how they could affect me so much.

It was just me and good old Joe. He looked up at me as if to ask, what now? And that was an excellent question. An excellent question indeed. 

***You can read up to Chapter 16 on my Patreon! The link is in my bio! There are also special chapters and POVs of the guys meeting Hadley and a look at the guy's pasts! Happy Reading!!

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