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1 Month later

Things have been great recently, last week Kaden got out of the hospital the only problem is that he has a broken arm which sucks, but I have been helping him around with carrying his books to classes and other stuff.

We also are very close Kaden and I got to k ow each other to the point where he could be my sibling, The sad thing about us is that we're not dating..yet.

Veronica and Jacob are still themselves, Jacobs still the dumb ass he is and Veronica is still the one who won't stop laughing at his stupidity.

Taylor and I are getting along great, she recently showed me her new song she made, I can't say what its called but its a good one. But she's coming out with a album soon and I'm so excited she said I'm going to be the first one to get it! I hope.

And school is good no one has spread rumors about me, which is great because I hate rumors and everyone was basically normal the day I got back to school ever since my lunch punishment, which made me sigh in relief.

"Need help?" I asked leaning against the locker, Kaden looked at me and smiled, "ya could you grab the green binder and my book?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and looked through his locker trying to find a green binder and book, I eventually found the binder and the book thankfully.

"Ready?" I asked slamming his locker door shut, he nodded his head and we both walked to class together, the good thing about this class Is that all my friends are in it, which means this is my favorite class of all, even though I hate the subject.

I went over to Kadens desk and placed his stuff down on it, Kaden and I sat beside each other so it wasn't a long trip back to my seat.

I sat down next to Kaden and waited for the tardy bell to ring, "so are you busy after school?" Kaden asked facing me.

"Ya sorry, Taylor wants me to listen to all of her new songs" I explained to Kaden, "its fine I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to Starbucks or something, because most girls love Starbucks" Kaden said laughing.

"That's a true fact right there" I said laughing, the tardy bell rang and the teacher walked into the classroom.

"Hello students" the teacher said pacing back and forth around the room, well kinda.

Nobody answered it was so silent you could hear a pin drop, literally.

"Ok then, today we are going to start out with finding the missing angles on the triangles, so everyone go get your work book and flip to page 23 and get started on that page" the teacher explained to the class.

I got up and went to the stack of books sitting on the book shelf, I found Kadens and grabbed it and found mine as well, then I went back to my seat.

"Here" I said sliding his book to him, "Thanks Tess" he said flipping open to the right page.

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