Twenty Two

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"WAKE UP!" I heard a voice screaming behind me door, I fluttered my eyelids, and opened my eyes, squinting due to the bright sunlight shining.

I sat up groggily, "what Taylor" I complained. She opened my door and peeked her head in my room. She smiled and walked in.

"Today we have a photoshoot to go to" Taylor exclaimed clapping her hands excitedly. I rolled my eyes. I don't want to go to another lame photoshoot.

"I don't want to go to your photoshoot" I sat up and placed my hands on top of my blanket.

"Not my photoshoot silly, yours" Taylor said. Without letting me ask any questions she walked out of my room, so i guess it was my cue to get up.

I got up and walked towards my closet. I yanked the door open and looked at my clothes that where hung up nicely, all I had to decide is what to wear.

I grabbed a sweatshirt and some sweatpants because I'm pretty sure they give you clothes to wear at the photoshoot.

I kicked my closet door shut with my foot and changed into my comfortable clothes. I just love being comfy ok.

"ARE YOU DONE YET!" Taylor screamed from downstairs, I rolled my eyes. "ALMOST!" I yelled back.

I grabbed my phone, along with my purse and opened my bedroom door. I walked downstairs seeing Taylor standing by the door with her sunglasses on and her purse in one hand, and her phone in the other.

"Finally!" Taylor said dramatically. She opened the door and we walked out. The coldness hit my skin, well it wasn't to cold since I was in comfortable clothes.

The Uber was sitting there waiting for Taylor and I. We got in and the Uber drove away as soon as we shut the vehicle's doors.

"This will be so exciting!" Taylor squealed. She looked over at me with a huge grin on her face, I giggled.

"What?" I asked. Wanting to know why she had a stupid smile on her face. I love Taylor but sometimes she can be goofy and stupid.

"Your first photoshoot" Taylor whispered excitedly. I rolled my eyes and shoved her playfully.

"Please don't embarrass me" I pleaded, she smirked.

"No promises!"


Sorry for the short chapter! I just really want to finish this book! Comment any ideas to how I should end it because I'm lost!!

Your suggestions will help!!

Don't be a ghost reader vote and comment! 👻

WC: 418


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