Together But Not Forever~ Chapter 1

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Some people say that love is simple, but I don't really feel like it is. Love is something that I feel is really complicated and almost a waste of time.

I could tell you the events of that day word by word, even months later. That's what I planned to tell my boyfriend when I broke up with him. I really didn't want to hurt Felix, but I felt it was for the best. I could tell he didn't love me and I didn't love him. Plus he had been the one to prove he didn't love me first. My best friend Sway had told me that she had seen him kissing another girl at a cafe downtown. It hurt to know the truth but at the same time it didn't because, I realized I didn't truly love him with all my heart. That's why it was so easy to let him go. Could I ever even love anybody?

What truly broke my heart was the fact that I felt like I could never fall deep in love with somebody, and I felt like nobody could ever fall truly in love with me. I had heard that love is a simple thing that just comes along one day. People say that love is one of the most simple things, because it comes so naturally. But that was the problem. It didn't come very naturally to me. It always seemed so forced and unnatural. I wished I could have a perfect relationship like my parents had when I was still living with them. Maybe another reason why people didn't love me was because I stood out like a daisy in a garden of roses.

I made a quick call to Felix to see if he could meet me up later, he answered after a minute and I could tell he was breathing hard.

"Hello," He said casually.

I took a deep breath and said, "Hi Felix... It's April."

"Oh. Hi April. What's up?"

I sighed and told him as casually as I could, "I was just wondering if you could meet me later."

"Sure thing. What time and place?"

"Whatever time is best. I'm going to be home for the rest of the day, so you can just come here."

"Okay. I'll be over there in about twenty minutes. And why is it that you wanted to see me?"

"There's something I need to tell you in person."

"Okay. See you soon."

I hung up the phone and tapped my fingers on my thigh impatiently. Then I suddenly realized, Oh crap! I haven't even gotten dressed yet! I facepalmed and ran up the stairs. I had spent all that time thinking about what to say when I broke up with Felix, that I didn't even think about getting dressed. Nice going April! I quickly combed my long dark hair, and put it into a messy bun. I put on a casual light blue dress and some high top white converse. I walked downstairs and sat on the sofa, to wait for Felix.

Sorry Felix...

When there was a finally knock on the door I stood up from my place on the sofa and went to go open it. Felix stood there with a frown on his face.

"Hi Felix. Come in."

I gestured for him to come in and he reluctantly sat on the sofa. He looked down at his feet as if he was guilty and refused to look me in the eyes.

I sat in the chair across from him and he said softly, "What was it that you want to talk to me about? I have something I need to tell you too."

I nodded and gulped. This isn't going to be easy. "Felix..."

The next moments went by in a blur, but even to this day I can still see the look of dread on Felix's face. I still remember every. Single. Word. That I had said to him in that moment.

Even after thinking so much about what I was going to say to Felix, my tongue was still tied. Just because I didn't love Felix didn't mean that I didn't care for him. I still saw Felix as a friend, and after this I did want to stay friends with him. We were both alike in the way that we were both Korean and had English names.

"Felix... Some people say that love is simple, but honestly it's not... What I'm trying to tell you is.. I don't think we should be in a relationship. I don't think we are meant for eachother. I honestly don't think I am meant for anyone."

I saw an expression pass across Felix's face. Was it sadness, regret, relief? I finally decided it was relief.

Felix sighed. "I honestly felt this way the entire time. But the thing I wanted to tell you is that I kissed another girl in a cafe the other day."

A look of guilt and regret passed across his face.

"I know."

He looked at me confusion in his eyes. "How? And I'm sorry. I should have broken up with you first. It's just that she kissed me and I kissed her back. I had that strange feeling about her. A feeling I had never felt before. A feeling that was so grand and magical at once. And you shouldn't worry. I'm sure that you're special someone will come sooner or later. Be patient."

I nodded at him slowly, and processed all the things that he had just said to me. I was relieved that he felt the same way as I did but there was a another feeling that I felt.... Was it sadness? The more I thought about it, the more sad I felt about Felix finding someone he truly loved, because I was still here single and with nobody to love.

I sighed. "Yeah I know you kissed that girl, because my best friend Sway was there when you kissed her. And I was wondering... can we still be friends?"

Felix looked up at me with hope in his cheerful eyes, "Really? Can we? Because April you a great person, I just don't see you more than a friend."

"Like I said, I feel the same way."

Felix smiled at me. He threw his head back and laughed with relief, "It feels so good to get that out! Whew! I feel like a huge weight was just lifted off of my chest."

I smiled at him and he smiled right back. He surprised me when he walked over to my place on the chair and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. My arms were stuck in his tight embrace, so instead of hugging him back I patted him awkwardly on the back with one of my hands.

Felix ended the hug after a good minute or two, and said with evident happiness in his voice, "I should go now. I'll leave you alone now. See you around!"

Felix waved excitedly at me and I awkwardly waved back.

Felix quickly opened the front door and I yelled at him, "Don't slam the door!"

But it was too late- he had slammed the door. I shook my head and laughed to myself. Felix was an adult, but yet he still acted so childish sometimes. I just sat there in the peaceful silence, until the ring of my phone broke the silence. I picked up my phone which I had thrown on the table after I had called Felix. I looked at it to see who it was and it was.... 

***Hello! Hope you enjoyed this chap! Thanks for reading. I don't know what to use for a cover for this so if you have what you think is the perfect picture of Jungkook or if you are good at photo shop, just tell me and I will find a way for you to send it to me!

Love is Simple {Jeon Jungkook} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now