Surprising News

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My mom was sitting on the front steps when I got home. She smiled at me and walked over to greet me.

As soon as I got out of the car, she wrapped me up in one of her lung crushing hugs. I sniffed in her distinct smell of vanilla. I hadn't realized how much I had truly missed home. The last time I had been here was a couple of months ago.

"April... it's so good to see you." She chuckled a laugh that sounded too alike to a sob. My mom sniffled and whispered in my ear, "You need to come home more often."

I laughed and whispered to my mom, "It's not like I left and planned on never coming back!"

"But for all I know, maybe those are your plans."

I snorted. "Eomma. You're overreacting."

She sniffled. "No I'm not!"

I ended the hug and tried to look my mom in the eyes, but she avoided my eyes and instead looked down at her feet.

Then unexpectedly she said a little bit coldly, "Come on. Get your stuff out of the car. Your appa and I need to talk to you about something."

I nodded and proceeded to take my belongings out of the trunk. Once I opened the front door to the house, the first person I saw was my dad reading a newspaper in his favorite armchair. As soon as he heard me come in, he looked up from the newspaper he was reading and a wide smile spread across his face. He slowly got up from the sofa and gave me a hug so tight, that it lifted me off my feet. Literally. When my feet lifted off the ground, I made a surprised gasp and dropped my duffel bag.

"It's about time you come home."

"It's good to see you too appa."

I smiled, and he put me back on the ground.

"Let me go put my stuff in my room and I will be back down, to have that conversation with you and mom."

My dad nodded, and I made my way to my room. I opened the door to my bedroom. It was exactly as I had left it. It had the same cream colored walls, a mahogany, wood, canopy with engravings on the sides of the poles and a fluffy looking bedspread with seashell patterns on it. In the corner stood my desk that matched my bed and a matching chair, with engravings on the side.

I threw my duffel bag into the empty closet and threw myself onto the bed. This room was complete heaven compared to my cramped room in my apartment. I sighed, content with the world, and was almost ready to fall asleep, when I remembered my parents were downstairs waiting for me. I grumbled and made myself get up from my overly comfy bed. When I sat up I remembered the string of warm gold lights that had pictures clipped to it, which was on the wall that I was sitting across from.

I smiled to myself as I walked over to the pictures. Every single picture held a special memory. There was a picture of both Sway and I holding our violins at an orchestra concert when we were in 8th grade. There was a picture of my parents and I on some hike. There was even a picture of Felix and I giving each other bunny ears from a couple years ago. My two favorites were one of Sway and I swinging together on a swing set around the time when we were still in middle school, and a picture of my mom when she was pregnant with me. The picture of my mom reminded me that I was almost born in Korea. My parents had moved to Australia almost right before my mom gave birth to me. I always imagined what it would be like if my parents had stayed in Korea. I Mean, if I wanted to go back, I could because my grandparents still lived there, and I am fluent in Korean.Korean was my first language.

"April! What is taking you so long!?"

I snapped back into reality. "Sorry mom! I'll be down in a sec."

I could imagine about living in Korea later. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where my parents were already sitting down at the table.

My dad said sternly, "April. Sit down."

I obediently sat down across the table, while my mom rubbed her temple. "April I have no idea how I am going to tell you this.."







"It's okay Eomma. You can tell me. Rip the band aid right off."

She looked at me skeptically before sighing. "I don't know how to tell you because your grandfather passed away."

That's when I noticed for the first time that my mom's eyes were glossy and she looked on the verge of tears. I didn't know what to think about the situation. I had met my grandfather, when my parents and I visited Korea when I was 16 years old.

I looked up at my parents with worry. "What about grandmother?"

My dad sighed and my mom looked even sadder than she was before. My father was the first one to speak up, "That is where you come in April."

I looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You will be moving to Korea to live with your grandmother."

I felt my jaw drop. I wasn't able to hold back my excitement, "Really!!!"

I would get to live in another country, but the more I thought about it, the more I got a little weary of it. What about college? And what about my friends? What about my parents?

Reading my facial expression my dad assured me, "Your grandmother knows of a few colleges, and she will help you enlist. Your eomma and I will take you out of the college you are currently studying in. And when you move to Korea, you must remember to stay in touch with all of us here in Australia."

I nodded. "Will do appa. And... I have one more question. When will I be moving there?"

My mom and dad looked down at their feet with guilty facial expressions and refused to make eye contact with me.

"You have two weeks until you have to move there."

I made a small surprised gasp. TWO WEEKS!?!?

***Hey people! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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