19 // (insert here) jackxdaniel

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I quickly got up and left the house. Shit shit shit. I'm gonna be late to school. I got my backpack and threw some skinny jeans on. I quickly slipped on my Checkered Vans. I went downstairs. I heard banging on the door. "DANIEL! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE! ITS ALSO FREEZING OUT HERE!" I heard a female voice scream. It was Christina. We've been neighbors since we were 3. She my best female friend. I've already came out to her so. I opened the door to see a mad Christina. "You're gonna get sick Daniel! Go put on a sweater." She said in a motherly tone. I ran up the stairs before she'd get even madder. I slipped on my black sweater and ran back down the stairs. "Jeepers nuts, you need to get better at this waking up early shit." She said as we walked out. "I can barely sleep well." I said. "All I think about is Jack." I said looking down. "Hey, it's okay, you'll see him today." She said patting my shoulder. "Easy for you to say, you're straight, I'm not." I said. She stayed silent. "He completely ignores me at school. Though he says he loves me." I say. "Give him time." She said. "I do. But when ever I ask him why he ignores me at school he says, I'll tell you later." I say. She nods. We walk to school talking about our boyfriends. Finally get to the school courtyard. "Cya, Later Dani! Corbyns waiting for me." She says and she runs off. I nod. I walk into school, to my locker. Someone grabs my wrist. "H-Hey, Jack." I say opening my locker with the other hand. He looks around to make sure no one was looking and pecks me in the cheek. "Why can't you just give me a kiss on the lips?" I ask, mad. "Becau-" He says but I cut him off. "Because What?" I say coldly. "It's 2018! Who gives a fuck about gays anymore! You're always hanging out with 'lesbians' and they make out in front of everyone!" I say. I scoff. "I bet there not even lesbian. Bet one of these days they're gonna want to fuck the gay out of you." I say. I look at him coldly. I shut my locker door hard. "Cya, Later lover boy." I say and walk off.


I stare at Daniel as he walks off. What did I do wrong? He didn't let me even explain. I'm not mad though. I deserved it. I always tell him "Later, Later." But I never get to tell him. My dad hates gays, if he'd ever find out, he'd kill me. I walk to first period.

*4th period*

I saw Daniel sitting with the shy kid, Zach the hot one, Jonah, The fashion artist, Christina, and Elsa, Corbyn. I went over with my lunch tray and sat next to Daniel. "Hey." I say, silently. "Hey." The blue eyed boy says back. I put on a fake smile the whole way through lunch. "My parents are out of town this weekend." Jonah says. "Can i come over?" Zach says quietly. Jonah nods. "Do you guys want to come?" Jonah asks. "I'm in." Christina says, Corbyn nods. Daniel nods. "How about you, Jack?" He says. "I'll see, thanks Jonah." i say and smile. Soon everyone leaves, leaving me and Daniel. "Dani." I say. He nods. "Can I talk to you, somewhere, private?" I ask. He nods his head. I get up and lead him behind a tree. He stands there confused. I go on my tippy toes and kiss him. I pull away. "I'm sorry." I said. "My dad hates gays, and i don't want him to hurt me." I say. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asks. "I was scared." He nods. "Thank you, for telling me." He says. He kisses my head. "Go to class, okay?" He says I nod. He walks away. He looks so cute. "Hey, lover boy." I hear someone say. "For the last damn time Rebecca, i am G-A-Y!" I say. "You know, you can be bisexual." Rebecca says coming closer. "Rebecca, i am not interested! Go make out with Courtney, or something." I say as i walk away. She runs up to me and grabs my shoulder. "Rebecca, if you touch me one more fucking time, i am going to murder you." I say. She stands there with her arms crossed. "I have a boyfriend, understand?" I say and walk away. She stands there with her arms crossed. What a fucking hoe.


Its Friday and we're all at Jonahs house, expect for Daniel. He said he was coming but i guess not. I sit on the couch wrapped in a blanket. I stay inside as everyone else, outside is drinking booze. I don't drink. But something was telling me I needed it. I went outside and sat next to Zach. He's only 16 and already drinking. "Want some?" He says to me passing a bottle of vodka with a alcohol smell in his breath. I nod and take a small sip. I squint my eyes at how strong it is. "Jeez, Jack, take it easy  it's your first one." Corbyn said. I nodded but ignored. I walked inside and sat with my phone in my hands. I was scrolling through Instagram, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, only Daniel came to my mind. I went outside as I tripped and fell, I finally felt it, Drunk. "H-Hey, guys? I'm gonna go for a walk." I said. They nodded, they were drunk so couldn't expect much. I walked drunkly, walking side to side. I made my way to somewhere sandy, cold, and a salty water smell. I was way too drunk to know where I was. I called Daniel. "H-Hey, Dani!" I said. "Hey Jack, where are you? I'm here at Jonahs house." He  said. Shit.


"I don't know." He said giggly. "What do you mean you don't know? Jack, you're scaring me." I said. I heard a soft thud. "Jack, are you okay?" I asked. "Mmhm." He said. Was he drunk? "Jack, are you drunk?" I asked. "Maybe not, maybe I am! Guess we'll never know!" He said laughing. "Jack, I'm gonna need you to sit down and stay put. If anyone tries to touch you, you scream. Okay?" I said. "Okayyyy." He said. "Sit down." I said. "I'm all ready on the sand dummyhead!" He said. Sand? He's at the beach isn't he. "Okay, Jack, don't move a muscle." I said. "Okay." He said and he hung up. "You dumb fucks." I say to the group sitting and drinking booze. They nod. I run out and go into my white car. I drive to the beach. I arrive and get out of the car, searching for the younger boy. I take my sandals off and let my feet soak into the deep sand. I walk around calling out for the boy. I finally spot a small boy close to the cost playing with sand. I run up to the boy. "Jack, what are you doing at the beach at 2 am in the morning?!" I say and plop down next to the boy. He stares off into the ocean. "Jack, aren't you cold?" I ask as I touch his cold cheeks. He nods. I pull off my sweater and put it on the small boy. He starts to slowly cry. I pull his sandy, cold body onto my lap. The only thing keeping a bit of light is Jacks eyes reflecting off of the water. "I am so sorry." He says wiping off tears from his cheek leaving sand all over his face. I wipe the sand off his face with my soft hands from the dry soft sand. "Sorry for what?" I ask the boy. "Being dumb and not trying my best to keep up with you." Jack said. "I'm sorry for making you feel unloved." He said. Those words broke me.


"Oh baby." He said cuddling me. His warm body. "You did nothing wrong, I was over exaggerating." He said. I crawl off his lap and far off but he keeps up. "No, Daniel. Stay away, I don't know why such a beautiful human would want to date me, a douche, worthless piece of shit." I said. "D-Daniel." I said. "Yes?" He asks. "I-I don't feel well." I say. I run off and throw up behind a bush. He wraps his arms around my waist. "Daniel, don't. Don't touch me, I'm disgusting." I say. "Jack, don't say that about yourself." He said running up to me and pulling me up to my feet. I kicked and pulled away. But couldn't fall out of his grip. He fell down with me. "Jack, don't ever say that about yourself." Daniel said. I nodded and sobbed into his shoulder. Once again we fell in the soft sand.


He fell asleep in my arms, I picked him up and took him to my car. I buckle him up in his seat. I kiss him in the forehead. Jeez, how did I get so lucky?

(A/N: part two? Idk. But if I do make a part two then it probably gonna
Be short. Gotta blast. Dang I sound stupid, anyways, BYEEE.-💙

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