Chapter Two, Poems

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School seemed to just fly by then it was time for Literature Club. You walked through the door to find the girls already sharing poems. Natsuki and Yuri we're sharing and Sayori and Monika were sharing. You smiled at the sight of the girls happily talking, the Literature Club has been on your mind ever since yesterday you joined. You spaced out then Monika and Sayori walked up to you. You snapped out of your daze and looked at the two girls. "Care to share?" asked Monika.

You nodded and began to read out loud. Sayori blushed and Monika giggled. "That was great, I'm speechless!" Sayori smiled. You didn't notice but Yuri and Natsuki were listening as well. You blushed. "Well everyone, your poems were amazing and I appreciate the effort, oh yes also I would like to continue the poem writing for a while and I would appreciate if you all would keep putting in the effort.".

Monika dismissed everyone so they may continue their normal club activities. Yuri then walked up to you and handed you a book and looked down, blushing. The book was called "Portrait of Makrov". Yuri began to explain how she thought you would enjoy the book and explained what the book was about. "It sounds great, thanks, Yuri!" You said happily. You sit next to her and the two of you end up reading the book together, every so often you wouldn't finish a page because Yuri is a fast reader but you enjoyed spending time with her.

Often your eyes would meet and the two of you would blush and look back down at the book, and often your shoulders would rub together causing warm friction. "You know Yuri you really remind me of the main character, you know with some of your cute mannerisms.". Yuri blushes a deep crimson "O-oh that's so embarrassing!".

Before you can respond or apologize, Monika interrupts telling everyone that the club meeting has been dismissed. Sayori grabs your arm as you walk home together. You are lost in your thoughts, Monika seemed to be quick about ending the meeting, it's something every club leader does but she seemed tense....almost mad that you and Yuri were getting too close, but you brushed it off as only your imagination.

Sayori stood in front of your house, she stared at you with passion in her eyes. "So tomorrow...I promise I'm not going to be late, I'm going to bed early and I'll be up early I'll even beat you out here, you won't have to wait on me!" Sayori spoke confidently as if she had rehearsed this one hundred times before. You laughed, you found her adorable and at this point, you knew you were falling for the bright-eyed girl. You hugged her and she ran back to her house waving from her front door.

You were soon on your desk writing away. You were making another poem to impress Sayori, you wanted her to know you cared. You fell asleep at your desk and woke up to the sound of your alarm. You hurriedly got ready for school and ran outside to find the sidewalk empty, no Sayori in sight. You waited for a long while then saw Sayori run to you, tears in her eyes. "I-I'm so sorry, I'm such an idiot!" Sayori began to cry. You pulled the girl into an embrace, you embraced her as if you would never embrace her again. She blushed and then asked to help her tie the bow on her uniform, you did as told.

After tying the bow Sayori quickly gave you a kiss on the lips. The moment your lips met it sent electricity throughout both of your bodies. Sayori blushed then began walking to school as if nothing happened, nothing at all. Both of you ended up late for class but you thought it was worth it. Another day that seemed to fly by, it almost seemed like now the world revolved around the club and each of the members. You arrived at the club room and found Natsuki waiting for you. "L-listen I know you're probably not into manga but I need help rearranging my collection! There are places I can't reach and you can pick m-me up to reach!". Natsuki pulled you to a closet full of manga. You thought the girl was adorable and her obsession with manga added to her charm.

You helped her rearrange her manga until it became time to rearrange the shelf that was beyond the petite girl's reach. You lifted her up on your shoulders and she began to do her organizing. She couldn't get deep enough in the shelf's so she asked you to get closer, you did so but it barely helped. Natsuki scooted closer, you could feel the cloth of her panties rubbing against the back of your neck, making you blush. She then hopped off and simply said "I didn't need you, I could have asked for anyone else you just happen to be there!". You knew that wasn't true, she was obviously waiting for you.

When walking back to everyone else you noticed Yuri reading a different book then yesterday. She then got up and looked at you, "Do you like tea?" she asked shyly. You nodded. "Would y-you mind making some with me?" she stuttered. "Sure," you replied. Yuri seemed happy and surprised by your willingness to help. Yuri handed you the water pitcher as she plugs it in at the teacher's desk. You couldn't help but noticed the way Yuri moved, it was beautiful and goddess-like. Yuri then took the pitcher back as she did Monika walked over. "Isn't making tea kind of a one person job?" asked Monika seeming a bit annoyed.

Yuri seemed to gain a sense of confidence and said: "Monika please mind your own business for once.". You were a bit surprised to hear this from Yuri, but also to hear the girls bicker. "Is there something wrong with trying to involve (Y/N) in club activities?" Yuri then shot at Monika. Monika also seemed as shocked as you were "I suppose there's nothing wrong with that.", Monika says back obviously fed up.

Sayori stares at me from across the room and pulls me away from regretful Yuri. "I'm sorry the club doesn't usually fight like this..." Sayori says looking embarrassed. "It's ok people fight from time to time," you say trying to reassure Sayori.

Sayori seems very pleased with your response. You went to kiss Sayori on the cheek but you are stopped by Monika. "Ok everyone meeting dismissed!". You were about to take Sayori's hand and walk home but Monika grabbed Sayori's shoulder and pulled her aside. Sayori ushered you to go home and you decided that it was probably nothing and you walked home. You felt lonely without Sayori's bubbly presence but you told yourself she was fine even though you didn't feel that way. You would visit her later tonight to make sure she was ok.

Authors Note
I know no one cares for the authors note but I felt I may write one. At the time I have posted the first chapter and this chapter on the same day. I am having a lot of fun writing this and I apologize for anyone disliking the way that I have taken parts or removed ones and put my own. I also am sorry for the fan service such as the Natsuki part... This is fanfic and I thought some parts like that would be needed. So far no one has viewed this but honestly, I love writing this even if no one cares. I love you all and am always up for requests.

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