Chapter Thirty Three, Not Again

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      Natsuki's Point Of View

      I stared at myself in my full length mirror. I was covered in blood. The blood I despised and avoided as much as possible. I had yet again committed another sin. I left my deceased father on the floor.  I decided I would go to (Y/N)'s house and hopefully stay the night and snuggle within her warmth. I found myself failing to even walk to her house due to blurry vision and weak knees. 

      It was so damn dark and the orange light that hung from above didn't help me in the slightest. It was almost like I was blind, to certain things, as if I was looking for something special but it obviously wasn't here. I passed Sayori's home, shame passed through me. This was the opposite feeling I had when I first committed the murder. 

      Monika's Point Of View

       Yuri is a sly bitch. She put me to sleep and tried to take advantage of (Y/N), so I crashed the game, it was that easy until of course (Y/N) decided yet again to try to fix things when she knows damn well I own this game. Ha! That's an understatement I own it all, fuck, I own her! Oh um yea I forgot to mention I fixed everything of course Yuri is asleep on the couch and I am not, my time. I pull the blanket from my hot body and tip toe into the kitchen, where I grab a knife. It already had fresh blood on it, Yuri's blood. This should be easy. 

      I approached the sleeping Yuri looked back on old memories. I used to have a crush on her, but things change. Love to hate, or in (Y/N)'s case hate to love. I touched Yuri's flushed face and squeezed her cheeks, her eyes shot open. I did it quick, I stabbed her in the neck but she grabbed the knife. Her fingers were bleeding but she would not let go. I could feel my hands blistering due to my iron grip. That bitch.


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