12. Back Together

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Spoilers from: Ryder the Love Expert + INCLUDING the Alternate Chapter: The True One (from Protector Series Bonus Content)(this is essential, since if you didn't read that alternate chapter, you'll probably be confused since this is technically an alternate chapter as well)

I love me my online arguments. 

(and I'm using this as a way to get my anger out with something)

Social Platform: Twitter (since I didn't want to make up more names, I'm just saying BrandonFan or JeromeFan or RandomPerson plus a number so you know who's who)(and we're ignoring the word limit hahaha)

Timeline: During the alternate chapters listed above

12. Back Together

JeromeARoy posted a photo. They say if you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never meant to be. This boy means the world to me, and I'm so glad that after everything he still came back to me. I love him more than anything and I couldn't be happier right now.  

DirkWellington This picture makes me feel sick.

       JeromeARoy Dang, so then we're even because now you know how I feel whenever I look at your face.

       BrandonPatterson I agree, 100% Dirk. Any picture of a cheater makes me feel sick.

       MillieMcAlystar And liars make me feel sick. This is a cute picture. Like it and move on. If you don't like it, like it and move on.

       BrandonnPatterson Kind of had to move on when my ex-boyfriend CHEATED on me.

       JeromeARoy Brandon. Dude. I didn't cheat on you and you know it. 

       BrandonnPatterson Then tell me why you decided to give Nolan a ride home?

       JeromeARoy Uh, because he called and asked? Because he couldn't be at school anymore and didn't have anyone else to do it? We've been over this. You know, when I told you BEFORE I went to go pick him up.

       MillieMcAlystar No replies means they know you're right ✌️✌️

BrandonFan1 Why tf would you get back together with him when you were dating Brandon? Brandon is way better than that pathetic, clingy, whiny little bitch. You deserve a lot better and Brandon can give you that.

       JeromeFan1 Honestly, shut up. Jerome is obviously more happy dating Nolan than he was dating Brandon, so build a bridge and get over it.

       BrandonFan1 I'll get over it once Jerome and Brandon get back together because Nolan isn't good enough for Jerome.

       JeromeFan2 So to be clear, you're not a fan of Jerome?

       BrandonFan1 No, I am. I've been a fan of his since he started dating Brandon and after they broke up, I looked at past videos with Jerome and Nolan and was disgusted on how their relationship was. Nolan was way too pathetic and clingy. He needs someone else on his level.

       JeromeFan1 @JeromeARoy DRAG HIM PLEASE

       JeromeARoy I'm going to say this once and once only. If you're a true fan of someone, you'll respect whatever relationship their in. Even if you don't like it, RESPECT IT as long as it's a healthy relationship. Nolan and I are very much in a healthy relationship and he makes me so happy. And there is no way in hell you can judge Nolan from something you see only online. You haven't seen how we act in real life so if you can't respect our relationship, shut the fuck up and hit that unfollow button because you are no fan of mine.

Bonus: Online | Bonus Chapters Written via Technological CommunicationWhere stories live. Discover now