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This was all my fault. I should not have got into a fight with him. I had my hand on his.

"Till, I don't know how much time you have. But, if you can hear me I am so sorry. I wish I would have said yes. I love you. Please try to fight."
I got up and kissed his head.

Several weeks he had been like this. I sat back down when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was shocked to see Paul. He was better. He had something in his hand. He handed it to me. It was a set of drumsticks and a picture of me and Till. He had taken the picture not long before his accident.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"How did you get here?"

"I drove. I got a suv. How is he?"

"The same. Please be careful when you go home."

"I will."

He left. I cried myself to sleep with my hand on Till's and my head on the bed. I was wrong it had been a month.

I woke up to find no breathing tube down Till's throat. I didn't know what it meant. but, then I saw the heart monitor. He was breathing on his own. I cried. That was a happy moment. I touch his face. He felt normal.

"Please keep fighting. Don't give up."

I fell back asleep. I had a really bad nightmare. It was about the night Till got shot.

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