Jan 3,2018- Jan 4,2018

16 1 2

Hi I'm mia and last yaer was awesome i move to my dads/anuts house
(and no they dont live together I moved to my dads and now i live with my anut).
I got my first boyfriend (that I liked anyways) tons of freinds and i was happy for the most part.
But at the end of it all things went to shit.
It stared winter brake it just found out that my brother did the most fuck up thing ever.
To the poit were i cant see him anymore.
I've alway been close to him but at laest i have my boyfreind right.
Nope he left me wich made this yaer stared out feel like hell.
an I know he is just a boy right! theres no use crying over him.
then why dose it hurt so bad let me tell you that in the begening i didn't

even want to date him.
BUT NO! I fucking let him in. but he still wants to be friends..........yeah no.
I try my best to stay happy and play nice but I couldn't even though wanted it to
It was too soon two weeks is not enogh to get over someone and let alone some you were with for 8 mouth going on to 9.
This was hard realy hard and it was going to hurt but it had to be done.
this is how it went.
~rp moment~
c:=cameron my ex
m:= me myself and I
*fith pre ends schools out*
m: clean up my shit off the floor then starts walking home*
*see camron walking my way*
*walks fasster*
*try to abvod camron but failsC: *catches up to me* hey you okay?

M: yeah I'm fine
c: are you sure
m: I dont know any more*starts to cry* I just cant!
c:you cant*gets cut of by me*
M: I cant be your friend its killing me and i cant pretend that im okay with it I'm sorry but I can't.
*crying alot*

C: *hugs me * its okay and I wish i gave you a chance to fix things.
M: me too but we can i wish we could start over and make every thing okay but we cant. *pushes him away and keeps walking*
C:*fallows me* I know....
M: you hurt me I dont even know why you left me you gave me three diffrent resons and people are telling more.
one of our friends said you told them i was controling I never fosce you to do anything all you have to do is say no.
so i dont see why your saying that.*stop look at cramron in his eyes*
I'm not mad at you and this is not your fuilt I DON'T blame you I don't HATE you I love you I swar to GOD I LOVE you I just cant.....

so yeah theres more to it but i need to go soooooo yep the my 2018 so far

cam x mia
~Jan 4th~

Hey to day I feel better much better I didnt even cry when my friends talked to camron.
Someday we can be friend but for now this is what I need to find me.
Yaeh it sucks but I need this for me  I'm Done being sad or hurt and feeling empty.
I want to be okay again this yaer I'll be 17 I got get it togther.
soooooo for now this is all i can be all

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