I'm in a my school play 😁

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Soo I've never really been confident enough to do anything of which sports involving me up on stage in front of a million people. Or any sort of crowd. But I decided this is going to be the year where I work on myself and I join drama club. We're doing The Brothers Grimm spectacular. It is really funny and I was so nervous when they put the cats this up I really wanted to part with little red which I got because you know I'm a violent person in a way. And I felt like that part Symphony and I'm also the devil's grandma. If you don't know what I'm talking about. Then you just don't know the play. I'm super nervous this is going to be my first play ever I have never. Thought about acting in front of a crowd before. I'm hoping that I won't end up crying backstage saying I can't do this I can't do this. I really don't know how to feel about this I mean I have performed in front of a lot of people this year. Because I'm in choir I'm we have concerts for finals. And my hip hop dance did a performance but I really did messed up a lot during that performance. I also hope that this played will actually go on because I actually tried to join drama club last year and I got the part that I wanted and then nobody showed up to play their parts and we cancelled the show that's when I stopped showing up that's really all I have on the show for now bye-bye

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