2. The prophet ﷺ said : " at the end of time there will be fragrant deluding liars who will convey to you narrations which neither you nor your forefathers will have heard. Beware of them lest they may misguide you or involve you in mischief" (muslim)
Our beloved messenger ﷺ is saying in this hadith that there will come a time where people will lie very frequently and place in front of you fabrications of hadith, misguiding you whilst doing so. They will dilude everyone around them and they themselves will be misguided due to their wrongdoings.As for every person that will follow their wrong interpretations and teachings, their sin will fall upon th fabricators (May Allah protect us from falling under this category)
What comes under being a liar? A liar is someone who conceals the truth with falsehood and many times its for no valid reason. Research shows that these are some of the reasons people may choose to lie: seek attention, if they lack self confidence, feel overlooked by their peers,lack of courage , lack of problem solving skills and one of the main reasons is to escape from a situation because lying seems like a much better option than facing the consequences. There must be so many more examples that individuals use to 'justify' lying but nothing can ever be sufficient. In Islam there are only three situations in which lying is permissible:
1. To keep your spouse happy
2. To join ties between two people
3.At the time of battle
Apart from these three cases lying is categorized amongst one of the major sins and it is Evan said that whenever somebody lies 70,000 angels curse that person. The burden that soul must beae from being cursed by so many angels and angels are creatures of purity so it must take something serious for them to curse anyone. Emphasizing on the severity of lying. But now it has become so common lies just rolls off our tongue so effortlessly without a second thought. Have our tongues actually become that foul? How can anybody ever come to trust a liar they build so many walls between them and the people around them so when the wall comes crashing down nobody but the liar will bear the consequence.
Looking back at the hadith, our Messenger is specifically addressing those people who will bring about falsehood regarding hadith and religious matters.When it comes to spreading deen its wajib (close to fardh) upon us to spread our knowledge but that doesn't mean that if somebody asks us a question regarding a religious matter we are obliged to answer him/her . Its no shameful matter to say 'i can find out for you' if you do not know the answer. It will not lower your status in any way especially not according to Allah it actually makes your a lot smarter the fact that you didn't trade your place in jannah for your 'reputation' in this dunya, Being amongst the people mentioned in the hadith above would be a great loss.
Truthfulness is one of the pillars on which the moral survival of the world depends. It is the foundation of praiseworthy characteristics, the foundation of prophet hood, the result of taqwa (god fearance) Acquiring the characteristics of lying is asking to shed one's humanity. This habit that our generation has picked up needs to be removed from our character and our daily routine. How can we expect this society to improve in any way and for our children to grown up in a safe community if all our morals are based on falsehood. The day of judgment is closer that we think and as we speak Hazrat israfil (Angel who will blow the trumpet on the day of judgment) has placed his mouth upon the horn. So if we're still living the same way, dressing the same way , acting the same way then what have be accomplished? what do we have to show for ourselves? what will we say to the allmighty? These are questions that we should be asking ourselves everyday and we should always be looking for ways to please our lord so we can actually turn to him in a good state and prove that we actually did make use of the limited time we were given in the dunya. May Allah guide and help us on our islamic journey (Ameen)
jazakallah for reading please vote and comment it's much appreciated :)
How prepared are we?
SpiritualThis book is a compilation of hadith that our beloved prophet ﷺ narrated regarding the day of judgement and the events that will occur.