6. Sleeptalk // JooHyuk

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Screams and giggles filled the hall as Minhyuk tackled Jooheon, pretending to give the younger one a kiss on the cheeks.

Welcome Monsta X's most passionate pairing, JooHyuk.

Fans took their cameras and phones out to film their interactions, while the other members stood watching, preparing to end their fansign event. To them, Minhyuk's optimism and enthusiasm towards Jooheon is merely a simple fan service, or just what friends do. To Minhyuk, it was his chance to show his genuine affection towards Jooheon, his favourite member. To Jooheon, it was something way more than an embarrassed smile.

Most of the time, he goes with the flow and acts flustered or embarrassed. Sometimes, he returns some sweet actions to his hyung to please the JooHyuk shippers.

However, only he understands the struggle to force a happy expression when, in fact, he's bothered by this intense and frequent relationship with Minhyuk.

He's uncomfortable. Not annoyed exactly, but definitely uncomfortable. He wants to tell Minhyuk to chill, but it's hard to say it out loud, especially when this said person actually has a crush on Jooheon himself.

That night, Jooheon has to work on some lyrics he started few days ago. While everyone is asleep, he sat on his lower bunk, filling up the rest of the lyric blanks for his newest song.

In a blink of an eye, it was already 2 a.m. Jooheon stretched and decided what he has now is good enough. Just before he tucked in, Minhyuk, who slept on the second bunk bed, started making some noises.

He decided to check it out, so he approached Minhyuk. When he's close enough, he heard his hyung talk in his dreams.

"Huh? Oh... ye... Yes... my favourite member... hmmmmmm...... of course it's Jooheonie hahaha..."

Then Minhyuk rolled over so his back is facing Jooheon. Jooheon chuckled at what he said and shook his head slightly. He's even thinking of the fansign after he fell asleep. A fan probably asked him who his favourite member was. Being curious, Jooheon sat on Minhyuk's bed and kept listening.

Minhyuk heaved a sigh. "But he doesn't like me... No! I heard him talk to manager hyung... maybe... maybe I'm not allowed to sit next to him again..."

Jooheon was surprised to hear Minhyuk's voice waver. He leaned over and was caught off guard by the tear rolling down Minhyuk's cheeks, wetting the pillow sheet.

"Hyung. Hyung." He tried to shake Minhyuk awake in case he had a nightmare. "Hyung!" However, Minhyuk just started crying even more.

"Minhyuk hyungie... I didn't say anything to manager hyung, you pabo. You're having a nightmare. Wake up." Jooheon was panicky as it was never his job to comfort members.

Minhyuk stopped crying but he was still choking back sobs, unable to breath properly.

Jooheon forced Minhyuk to sit up, in order for him to breath better. "Come on Minhyuk. Yeah, I admit you're too clingy sometimes, but you're still my hyung! You take care of me, make sure I'm healthy and well... why would I request to not sit next to you?"

His words seem to calm Minhyuk down just a bit. Jooheon heard from somewhere before that people in dreams can still hear everything that's happening around them, so he hoped that if he kept talking to Minhyuk, he will eventually calm down.

"You're always putting me in first priority, you smile at me all the time... you give me the best things... I don't hate you... so please dream of good things, okay?"

Minhyuk stopped crying and his tear-stained face now hung a wide grin. Suddenly, Jooheon was pulled forward into Minhyuk's bear hug.

Minhyuk was still asleep, but Jooheon knew from his actions that he was having a warm dream now. "Jooheonie! I love you~ kekeke"

Jooheon chuckled as well, and returned the hug before helping Minhyuk lie down properly. Once Minhyuk fell into deep sleep, Jooheon bent down and kissed Minhyuk's forehead lightly.

"I love you, too, hyung. You're like a real brother to me. I will forever remember the times you make my heart warm up." Jooheon smiled and went to sleep with ease.

The next morning, Jooheon woke up reluctantly by the nagging of Kihyun. His face was painted with two new panda eyes, but Minhyuk seemed to be unaffected despite the nightmare he had.

"Morning Jooheon!" The ball of sunshine greeted with enthusiasm. "I had a really good dream yesterday, and you were in it!" He ruffled Jooheon's hair and hugged him for the millionth time this week.

"OoH! And you confessed to me, by the way." Minhyuk said, matter-of-fact, whilst taking a bite of nutella toast.

Their leader sneezed. Hyungwon almost spit his coffee out. Wonho spit his coffee everywhere. Kihyun blinked. Changkyun coughed. Jooheon turned red.

But wait. It's just in his dream, so why does it matter?

"Well, let's just be glad it was only a dream..." Jooheon mumbled and left the table before he could say anything stupid.

Minhyuk laughed. "It was just a joke man. I didn't even dream last night."

Jooheon looked back at that statement. The older winked at him.

Wait. It wasn't a dream? That could only mean... dang it, Minhyuk! >:(


A/N: As usual, I hope you enjoyed it!

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