The city wasn't very amazing. It was a New York duplicate, and I had lived in New York since I was born. I was used to this setting. The only impressive thing about it was that it was underwater.
Annabeth and I continued to walk down the road, when we encountered a merpolice. "Excuse me, sir, where's the museum?" Annabeth asked.
"Which one?" he answered.
"Sorry?" I jumped in.
"We have at least three museums in Atlantis. You want to find one, tell me the name," the merpolice demanded.
", nevermind," I said. I turned to Annabeth. "What are we going to do? Three museums? Poseidon didn't give me the name! And I bet you the museums are most likely 10 miles apart, or 20 at the most! And we only have 8 hours to meet my father at the Empire State Building with the pearl! Going around the whole city will take more than that!" I snapped.
"Relax! We'll find the museum, just not now," Annabeth told me. The policeman looked at us. "Uh, what pearl?" he asked.
"Nothing, it's just Poseidon's trident in disguise,"I said dismissively. That's when I realized my mistake.
The merman brought out a bullhorn. "Attention, citizens of Atlantis! I have just discovered that Poseidon's trident is somewhere in an Atlantian museum! Whoever finds it first will receive a $500 reward!" he explained. Annabeth and I looked at each other, now aware of merpeople running around, trying to find the emerald pearl. We then screamed at the top of our lungs.
Annabeth punched me in the stomach. "What was that for? The entire city of Atlantis will be looking for that pearl now! It was our job to find it, and get it back to Poseidon within an 11 hour-30 minute time period!"
"I'm sorry, I was just overwhelmed by all the museums, and the thing with the pearl!" I apologized.
"Nevermind, it's fine. All that matters now, is getting the pearl before anyone else does," Annabeth clarified. "First, we find out where each museum is. Then we split up, go to each one, then meet up at the last one."
"I don't want to leave you, Wise Girl," I complained. "Remember how long we were split up when Hera took me away?"
"I know, honey, but we have to do this. And we'll up at the third museum later. I promise, I'll be there."
I kissed her. "Alright, Annabeth. See you later."
I watched Percy walk away, regretting my decision to split up. I shook off my regret, and walked away. My plan was to find a laptop, and search up the museums, when I realized something. Percy didn't even know where he was going. I spun on my heels, and started sprinting toward Percy. "Percy! Baby, wait up!" I called.
He turned. "Yeah, what is it, Annabeth?"
"You don't even know where you're going! We have to find the museums, first. Then we split up," I explained.
"Oh, right...Forgot about that little detail," Percy said.
I rolled my eyes. "Follow me. We need to find a map, or some kind of source to find the museums."
My boyfriend started swimming after me. We encountered an Apple store 10 minutes later. We dashed inside. The Apple store was completely empty, abandoned because of the Pearl Search. I turned on a MacBook, and pulled up an app called AtlantisMaps. A map of the whole city appeared on the screen. I typed in Museums of Atlantis. Three museums came up, each exactly 15 miles apart. The one closest to us was: Metropolitan Museum of Atlantis; 2nd closest, High Tide Galleria, and the 3rd closest was Atlantic Ocean Museum of History. "Okay. I'll go the Metropolitan Museum of Atlantis. You go to the Hightide Galleria, and we'll meet up at the Atlantic Ocean Museum of History. Got it?" I asked.

Percy Jackson and the Emerald Pearl; Thalia Grace and the Mirror of Aphrodite
FanficThis is a double feature starring Percy Jacskon and Thalia Grace! Percy Jackson, accompanied by Annabeth Chase, must travel to Atlantis to retrieve and recover Poseidon's trident, in the form of an emerald pearl, and return it to his father before t...