The Recruits

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     I knocked on the door of Cabin 10. Drew opened the door. Her sweet expression was immediately replaced by one of clear disgust. "Oh, it's Goth Girl. What do you need?" she sneered.

     "I need to speak to Piper," I said, brushing off her attitude.

     "I see...Are you going to fry her eyebrows off? 'Cause that I would pay to see!" Drew said hopefully.

     "Look...If you don't move right now, I'll fry yours off," I replied. She moved from the doorway. I walked in, and found Piper making her bed. "Piper, I need you outside for a moment," I announced.

    "What, why--" she started to say, but I pulled her outside. "What?" she asked. I explained the quest and what Aphrodite had said.

     "You want me to go on a quest to retrieve my mother's mirror? Why do you want me?"

    "You're one of the only Aphrodite kids who isn't a walking, makeup-wearing mannequin. Plus, you're smart. And you don't get on my nerves. So, will you accompany me?"

     Piper shrugged. "Sure, why not? I have nothing better to do."

     "Great. Meet me by my pine tree at noon. I need to go recruit Grover."

     "Okay, see ya at noon. Oh! Should I bring anything? What do I pack?"

     "Uh, pack some ambrosia squares. Nectar's good, too. And granola bars, maybe a mirror-tracker--if such a thing is real--some water, some rope, and a weapon."

     "Gotcha. I'll ask for the mirror tracker."

     "Wait, you actually have that? That exists?" I asked, surprised.

     "Yes, we have one in our cabin. Now, bye! I'll get packing." Piper waved to me as I walked toward the woods.


     I found Grover talking with his girlfriend, Juniper. She was crying for some reason. I strolled over, and greeted them. "Oh, hey, Thalia," Grover replied back.

     "What's wrong with her?" I asked him.

     "Juniper thinks I've lost interest in her!" Grover said. He turned his attention back to Juniper, and gripped her shoulders. "Juniper, I still love you. I'm not seeing anyone, I promise," he told her.

     "Prove it!" she demanded, crying some more. Grover thought for a minute, then looked her right in they eyes, and kissed her, full on the lips, for 10 whole seconds. He let go, and asked her, "Did that prove anything?"

     She started crying again, but this time it was because she was happy. She embraced him, and cried, "Oh, Grover, you do love me!"

     "See, I told you I hadn't lost interest!" Grover exclaimed. He turned back to me. "Thalia, do you need something?"

     "Yeah, I need your help," I told him. I dragged him over to an oak tree and explained the quest.

     "You want me to help you retrieve Aphrodite's mirror? Of course I will! Any chance to meet Aphrodite is a chance I'm going to jump at!" Grover whispered.

     "Great. We meet at my pine at noon. See you there!" I said, and walked back to my cabin to get ready.

Percy Jackson and the Emerald Pearl; Thalia Grace and the Mirror of AphroditeWhere stories live. Discover now