Chapter 6

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We laughed at his comment, that boy really does a lot of sassy but truthful comments.


Everyone was already in their rooms, just resting. My aunt Millie and uncle Sylverio, ('I didn't know where that name came from but it sounds like Spanish...' ) arrived 2 hours after my cousins' rival.

This time, I'm just sitting on the balcony while looking at the people below me. People would glance at me once or so, maybe trying to figure out who I was. It's been 4 years since I've been here .Of course, I was 14 that time then puberty hit me hard and I was rushed into the hospital. Just kidding! •_~
I was turned into this 18 year old figure , known as my body now.

I called the gang and killed the boredom in me.

Third Person's P.O.V.

She looks down at the people below her and sigh. She looks familiar to me, like I've known her for a long time. I just can't put my finger on it.

But she can't be Breanna though, Breanna have a lot of cute freckles that looks like fairy dust on her face , crooked teeth, and doesn't have that perfect body almost an hour glass figure. I remembered her saying she wouldn't want to have an hour glass body, she'd rather have a round body.

I laughed at the memory of my childhood bestfriend. I looked at the girl whose now talking to someone in her phone. Maybe she's her friend? I'll just ask Jace, Frank, Veron.. either of them. I'll ask them where Breanna is too.

I walked in and listened to music to get things off my mind.

Jace' P.O.V.

It was now two in the afternoon, everyone is in their rooms. I went to the balcony and saw Breanna. "Bri!" I stood beside her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

She looked up at me and said, "oh hey! Jace!" She smiled. "The 7 little Indians gang!" I chuckled. "Guys, this is Jace, my cousin. He's a big fan!" She smirked up at me. "No I'm not! Erm. Maybe..." I scratched the back of my neck. "Hey Jace! I'm-" France started but I cutted her off . "France Sanchez, Matt Vance, Shan Hudson , Rain Sullivan, and Carly Carter. Maybe you can say I'm a big fan"I smiled at them. "Nice!" Shan gave me a thumbs up. "Haha.. Guys call you later!" Breanna told them. "Woah! Wait! Why?" Shan exclaimed and gave her a 'what are you guys up to' look.

I chuckled with the 5 others. "Shan, If you're thinking what I'm thinking right now... Dude that's gross" I chuckled. "Ew! Shan! You know we're cousins!" Breanna scrunched up her face in disgust. "Looks like someone's over-protective" Matt cooed. "Or someone's falling in love" Jane pinched his cheeks. "C'mon guys, we all know, I love her!" Shan's eyes widened as the other 'ooohed'. "I mean I-I love her a-as a sister!" Shan's face flushed and turned into crimson red. "Ok, guys later! And oh! Shan! We'll talk about this later!" Breanna said as the gang 'oohed' again.

"So Shan likes you, He passed!" I smirked at her. "What passed?" She asked innocently. "Oh dont act so innocent! He passed, I know he's sweet , so I approve of him! I know you like him too!" I poked her sides until we were laughing on the floor. "Who likes who?!?" Des shouted and poked her head out of the door followed by Veron, Jett, Ed, Sea, and our other cousins. And believe me, they also dragged our nephews with them and taught them to be gossipers too. (Oohh! Gossip girls' xD)

"You know that guy named Shan?" I started. "Yeah! Shan's part of your group aren't him Bri? " Breanna nodded at Ed. "What about him?" Veronica asked . "I heard he's hot too" Janna nudged Breanna. "We'll, He likes someone I know and she al-" and TADAA! My mouth is covered by the evil dirty hands of Breanna Paige Brooks.

She gave me a warning glare and then crossed her arms in her chest. "She likes him back!" I shouted and ran downstairs. "I like him Breanna!" I heard Desiree shouted as they broke into fits of laughter. "You're gonna get it Jace!" I heard Breanna chase me from my back. "No I'm not!" I chuckled.

"Hey! Quiet, everyone!" Our parents shushed us from one of the rooms. "Sorry!" We shouted back in unison. I sprinted out of the door and crossed the road to Athena's house. I knock and knock until I heard her shout "Coming!". I looked back and saw Breanna buying some ice cream from the mini built-up ice cream stand.

That kid didn't change.

The door opened and I fell inside. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay Jace?" Athena helped me stood up. "Not to sound rude but what are you doing here?" She asked me. "I was hiding from Breanna" I replied and sat on the couch. "Breanna? What do you mean Breanna? She's here?" She smiled widely. "You missed her don't you?" I chuckled. "Ofcourse! And hey what's her friend's name?"She asked. "Huh?" I asked confused. "The brown haired girl, I saw her alone in the balcony" she said. "Hmm.." I placed my thumb under my chin. Then it clicked! She was talking about Breanna, how come she didn't recognize her!?! "Oh, that girl! You really didn't recognize her, aren't you?" I chuckled. "What?", now she's confused.

"Jace, I know you're in there! Uh... Athena!" Breanna shouted from outside. Athena leaned to look out of the window. "That's her! How did she know my name?!?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "That crazy mad woman is Breanna" I grinned and got up. "Thanks for keeping me hidden!" I shouted.

Athena's P.O.V.

Woah, that's Breanna?!? She changed so much! In a good way. I got up and followed Jace. "Breanna?" I breathed out. She turned around and hugged me. "I missed you so much Athena!"

"Another pic for Instagram" Jace took a shot and posted it in Instagram. "You lied!" I pouted. "What?" She giggled. "That body!" I faked fainted. "Ahh! This! Puberty hit me hard and I was rushed into the hospital. When I woke up, this is now my body" she laughed. "Yeah, puberty hit you hard like this" Jace poked her sides and she started laughing. I took in all the changes in her appearance then one thing came into my mind which surprised me. "Wait, Breanna Brooks, you're from the 7 Little Indians! How come I didn't recognize you every time I watch your videos! Jace! You didn't tell me it was her! Omygawd I'm fangirling over my childhood bestfriend" I covered my face. "You were a fan?" Breanna asked me. I nodded. "You're lucky I'm your bestfriend" she grinned. "Hey Bri, Maddie's calling... Gotta go, talk to ya later!" Jace answered his phone and ran inside our house. "Well, I'm going to make a video today at the beach with my cousins, wanna come along?" She asked me. "Sure! Actually it's my dream to meet you and be in one of your videos. I really cant believe I didn't recognize you!" I admitted. "Aww.. Lets go get my cousins and my camera too"

We called her cousins and headed to the beach.

Breanna's P.O.V.

As we reached the beach house, I fixed the camera on its stand and faced it towards the sea. "Ok guys, first I'm going to introduce you! And were going to build sand castles! Go in your own positions, 3! 2! 1!" Then I clicked the record button.

I jumped in front of the camera. "Heyyy guys! How are you guys!" I waved at the camera. "well you see I'm on the beach today, me and my family decided to spend our summer vacation here! The 6 other Indians aren't here but I have some guests today! Meet my cousins Jace, Veronica, Jett, Frank, Ed, my sister Chelsea and my childhood bestfriend, Athena!" I introduced them one by one, they're waving at the camera too. "You know it's weird, waving and talking to the camera" Jett said. "Yeah but I'm positive.. soon, millions of people will be watching us." Ed said. "So this is how it feels when you guys tape your videos?" Athena asked. "You'll get used to it!" I winked at them. "Haha! Sorry guys, this is the first time they'll be included in my videos" I sticked my tongue out at them. We all sat in a round circle infront of the camera.


Best Song Evahhh!!!
Hahaha! My mumma's singing BSE by One Direction again, haha, she doesnt like them as much as I do but she likes their songs!

Continue reading!

~RJoanne xx

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