Chapter 11

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I smiled at them and the last thing I saw is them putting a life vest on me before blacking out.


"Mum? Dad? Is that you?" I knitted my eyebrows, trying to see if it was them. "Mum! Dad! Where are you going?!" I called them for a couple times but they continued walking with their backs facing me. I ran after them but after I blinked, they were gone. I was left alone, the darkness enveloping me.

"No!" I breathed out and jolted awake. I closed my eyes again and calmed myself down. Then I realized, this isn't my bedroom. The room I was in had white painted walls with red swirls on the ceiling. There is a single study table,a walk-in closet, and a glass door which I assume leads to the balcony. I also noticed I wasn't in my clothes, instead I was in a band shirt and pyjamas shorts. I got up from the bed and walked to the door. As I opened the door, I was met by the delicious smell of waffles. I walked down the hallway and down the stairs. "Hello?" I called out and at the same time, praying to God he/she wasn't some rich psycho who will keep us as hostage.

A woman in her mid-40's stood on the doorway and smiled when she saw me. "Sweetie! You're awake!" she walked over to me and held my face in her hands. "Here! I just finished making some waffles! Your two brothers are here and please call me Annie" she said cheerfully and guided me to the kitchen and saw Ed, Jace, a boy around my age and 2 little twins.

"Ed! Jace!" I rushed and hugged them tight. "I'm glad you're alright, Bri" Jace said." Me too." I smiled at both of them. "Ello!" the boy asked looking at me. "Breanna, this is her son and daughters, Zac, Izzy and Lacy. They found us unconscious by the shore this early morning" Ed explained. I smiled at all of them and they smiled back at me. "It's really nice meeting you,we really appreciate your kindness" they nodded as response.

"Anyway, where are we?" Jace asked Zac. "We were talking bout-" then I shut them out. I searched for a seat and spotted a vacant one beside the twins, so I made my way over their side and sat beside them. "Hello!" I cheerfully greeted the two. The two beamed at me but they didn't take their eyes off their Ipad.

Must be watching their favourite show.

"What are you girls watching?" I reached over and saw they were watching one of our videos. Lacy looked at me, still smiling, then back at the screen. She whispered something to Izzy then they both giggled and set the IPad down. They giggled continuously as I awkwardly sat beside them. I looked around the kitchen, the boys have their own conversation and Annie was cooking. I shook my head and asked the girls myself. "What are you little cupcakes giggling about?" I asked tickling their sides too. They laughed loudly and I stopped tickling them.

"You're on our iPad! The 7 little Indians!" Izzy said with fingers on her mouth. "Yes sweetie, I'm Breanna Brooks" I giggled along with them. "But how did you get here?" Lacy asked. "We went fishing and we got lost in the sea" I answered simply, thinking about my family back home. "My twins love your videos" Annie said as she placed the freshly made waffles in front of us. "You know us?" I asked surprised they didn't freak out. "Can't a 42 years old lady do what teenagers these days do?" She laughed.

"I'm just surprised, most people freaks out when they see us. But "you've gotta love the fans, even though some are bit crazy." I laughed along with them. "This is Australia right? By your accent." I asked. "Yes dear" she said in a very thick Australian accent. "And you're not hyperventilating?" Jace said from behind me. "No." I laughed.


"You said you're not going to freak out!" Izzy giggled. Everyone is now laughing, rolling on the floor of the living room. I hugged the pillow tighter, Jace hugging me. "What if we can't go back home! Or what if they're searching for us, then another storm swallowed them up!" I said in one breath.

"Bri, Annie said they're going to help us. You need to chill" Jace said taking the M&M's that Lacy gave him. "Here, take this" I scooped up the M&M's from his hand and popped it on my mouth. My breathing slowed and was back to normal."Ladies and gentleman, congratulations, you just witnessed the famous Breanna Brooks hyperventilate then back to normal with the help of a pack of M&M's" Ed bowed making the twins ran to him and jump on his back. Ed lost his balance and the three fell into the couch beside us.

"Good news guys! A few youtubers are visiting Australia! Maybe they can help you!" Zac said opening his phone that recently dinged. "You have wifi all this time?!?!" I exclaimed, face palming myself. "Er.. Sorry? And by few youtubers, I mean Zoella, Alfie, Oakley, Franta, and those dudes from JacksGap?"

"That's good news! But I'm still mad at you" I pouted and snatched his phone like its my own. "Bri." Ed warned me, who obviously noticed by 'rude' behavior. I huffed at a smirking Zac. Butthole. "Fine. I'm sorry for being rude and please forgive me or else I'll die, worrying that I died, not forgiven by the oh great almighty Zac." I said nonchantly, all in one breath. I gave Zac my 'Are-you-happy-now face' before punching in Ty's number in the phone I was holding.


Gosh. I just realized how long it has been when I last updated. I'm really sorry guys! I've been dealing with a lot of things these past days.


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