Nice Cream

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Hope you all had a nice Christmas and a happy new year! Sorry for not updating I had to study for exams like crazy! Anyway I'm gonna update now so hope you enjoy!

After Christmas Red and Honey got awkward with eachother, no matter how many times Blue asked what happened none of them would respond. The only good thing that came out for Christmas was the fact that Red got his brother back; their relationship was better than ever. Blue and Edge had gotten along swell. They'd talk about their brothers and Blue wanted to hear stories about Edge in the royal guard. Luckily when Red talked to him he informed Papyrus of Blue's innocence, keeping morbid stuff on the down low.

Honey had been making his pick up lines more, everyone of them never failed to make Red blush a dark red. It seemed though that Edge and Honey didn't get along. Whenever Blue and Red went to get nice cream it would be constant arguing with the two. Edge would tease Honey, on the other hand Honey would do things to get on Edges nerves. They really couldn't get along. And whenever Red would sleep in the same room with his brother after a nightmare, Honey would be terribly jealous.

"YOU REALLY THINK MY BROTHER LIKES YOU AFTER A KISS? WHICH YOU DIDN'T EVEN HAVE.." Edge scornfully asked Honey. Even though both Blue and Edge knew that Red obviously liked Honey they liked to tease him none the less. And even though the lazy fiend Honey acted so boldly and rashly he was unsure how the other felt. He noticed his cute blushes and the way he turned his head around to try and hide it, yet Honey still wasn't sure.

Honey stared back. For a second Edge could see doubt run in his eyes, but that was immediately filled with a more teasing and smug look. "Well, someone's got anger issues. I mean you're just a bit jealous to how he prefers me over you." Edge scoffed and turned his head, similar to what Red would do. Edge would admit he easily got jealous of the two. Not because he loved either of them. Its just that he regrets his past actions, and seeing how Honey was able to get along so well with Red so easily got him jealous. "Besides" Honey continued "don't you have a little crush on my bro?" Immediately Edge turned around blushing furiously, it seemed like the two underfell brothers took after eachother.

Edge stormed out the room. His thoughts were clouded by the small, adorable, blue skeleton. Sometimes the two would spy on their brothers, Blue would talk about how well they got along with eachother, while Edge would just nod as he glared at the lanky skeleton, giving said skeleton goosebumps. Honey smirked at himself. He was proud of the fact he so easily got under Edge's skin so well.

While the two skeletons were bickering the others seemed to be getting on nicely. Blue was ordering nice cream from the nice cream guy, somehow he was as cheerful as Blue. The two sans sat on a bench together eating nice cream. It was silent with the occasional talk on the thoughts about their own brothers. It was peaceful until Blue's question. "SO HOWS MY BROTHER? TREATING YOU WELL?" Not half way through the question Red began choking on his nice cream; Blue smiled at the surprise of the skeleton, well continued smiling since its shape seemed to be permanent.

Red looked at Blue blushing furiously, half his face covered by hus sleeve, a sloppy attempt of covering his blush. "I dunno what you're talking about, besides who wants to ve treated well by him." Red stated avoiding eye contact. Meanwhile Blue grinned slyly, knowing that while Red acknowledged himself blushing whenever the lanky skeleton was around, he didn't know it was because he had a huge crush on him; Red just thought it was extreme social anxiety. Blue could tell from Red's facial expression that he was genuinely clueless and not someone trying to deny it, Red's face is really easy to read. Blue edged closer to Red seeing his ice cream melt. 'IF PAPY WAS HERE HE WOULD PROBABLY HELP RED FINISH IT OFF.' The ship sinner thought.

"WELL ANYWAY. LET'S HEAD BACK AND SEE HOW WELL OUR BROTHERS ARE GETTING ALONG. SHALL WE?" Blue asked getting up off the bench and offering his hand to Red. Red nodded, he began taking the hand and was helped getting off the bench by his friend. They trud through the white snow that seemed to miss footprints. Blue was boasting about how well Alphys complemented his training. "WE'RE HO-" Blue was cut off when he was bought up by Edge and given a tight squeeze. "THANK YOU EDGE FOR THE WARM WELCOME!" Blue exclaimed.

Meanwhile Honey did the same with Red, but Red was thrashing his arms and legs around with a mad blush. "Put me down you-!" Red was able to wiggle his way out and began sitting on the couch straight away. Edge just smiled at Honey and rested his chin on the top of Blue's skull. Just earlier they had a bet. Edge told Papyrus that Honey couldn't lay a finger on Red without him struggling, then Edge stated how he could easily pick up Blue without a single struggle. Of course Honey challenged Edge to the bet. But now that Honey lost he got depressed. His thoughts were filled with things like 'so Red doesn't really like me.'

Honey slouched on the couch, Red flinched at first surprised about how sudden he was. Then he realised that Honey wasn't going to do anything and relaxed. Although now Red can tell that honey was feeling depressed. And Red began thinking to himself 'why would I care about that evil bastard'. Even his thoughts were tsundere.

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