Sarah is about to leave with her dad when we get down on our knees and start begging "Please Please can she stay the night" Johnny starts laughing and says "she's definitely your child Sharpie" my dad chuckles also. My dad and Johnny look at each other and say "okay" I explain to Johnny that we have the rink booked out in the morning and if we could pop up to his hotel in a bit to get her gear. He tells us we can come over when ever and with that he left. My dad tells me, Sarah and Alex that we have to get up at 5:00 in the morning cause we have the ice booked for 6:00. After that we go down stairs into the "man cave". There's a big flat screen tv, a leather coach and my dads philly jersey and his hawks jersey framed on the wall. We get blankets and make a fort to sleep in, you know being our childish selfs . Once where done that we head over to the hotel. Alex drives do to my dad fell asleep. On our way to the hotel I turn on the radio and the song Classic by MKTO comes on
Your over my head, out of my mind thinking I was born in the wrong time
Living in a world turned plastic baby your so classic....
I sing along to it while Alex and Sarah laugh at me. We finely arrive at the hotel after 20 minutes of singing. When we get to there room Sarah opens the door and When we walk in we notice Johnny is asleep Sarah packs her bag and I head towards the bed where Johnny is I sit down next to him and I signal Alex to get a bucket of water he brings me one. I start petting head likes he's a little boy and start saying "good boy Johnny that's my little boy" he responds "I love you mommy" he then gives me a hug and forces me to lie down. "Oh my this is awkward" I said and then Sarah looks over she's starts laughing quietly. After trying to break free for about 7 minutes. We decided to poor the water on him although it would get me wet it was the only way to wake him up without disturbing the people next to us. "1....2....3...." Alex says and then dumps the water on him. Wow was that cold. Johnny wakes up and looks at me puzzled his brown hair drenched " what is happening" he asks we all laugh and tell him what happened. Once where done explaining to him what happened we leave and he goes back to sleep. When we get home we go in the fort and fall asleep.