Author's Note

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{2017 Edit: A little bit of a disclaimer here. I wrote the first draft of this story when I was fourteen, including the following author's note. While I have made a few edits and additions since then, I've done my best to leave the story as close to the original as possible. Life is ugly and imperfect, and I think my flawed, eighth-grade self captured a lot of that in a way I'll never be able to reproduce. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this far; your comments and votes have been so encouraging to me! Much love, -A}

Original 2014 AN:

This story was written with nobody particular in mind. I have never known anyone who has attempted suicide, so I apologize if my story isn't true enough. {2016 EDIT: This was true at the time of the original writing. Now it's not. I finally understand that awful heartache.} I've done my best, which I hope you all will accept. As always, suggestions are welcome, so please comment and tell me what you think.

Julie is based on everyone (girls especially) who feels like a disappointment, everyone who doesn't feel good enough to keep living. This story was written to tell those people that they are important and valued, no matter what anyone says.

I also wrote this because so often we forget how important it is to encourage, treasure, value, and love those around us. I am asking everyone, boy or girl, to be the Dixon in someone else's life. You never know who you might be saving.

Thank you for reading my story. It's dearly appreciated. If you enjoyed it, please vote, leave a comment, or follow me if you haven't already. I hope that it has inspired you to be more aware of the people around you, the people who feel like nothing.


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