~The Shifted~ Idea #1

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Has anyone ever told you you act like a Cat, Lion, a Rabbit, or a Monkey? Well there's a reason for that. Every person in the world, has a animal inside themselves. Some people who are more in touch with their animal side, are able to transform into their animal. When you first transform a persons animal will become another person inside of you. Only few people can transform, and I am one of them.


"Wait, what?"

"Were you even listening?"

"No, sorry."

"Ok I'm only going to repeat this once. So Lisa was telling me....." I droned out again. Tama was always talking about the latest gossip. She usually only shared it with me because I was one of the only people she trusted. Tama continued talking with me ignoring her. "Armela!"

"What?!" I shouted surprised.

"You weren't listening again."

"I'm sorry it's just not interesting to me."

"If I were any other girl, I would probably be wanting to rip your head off."

"Yup, but your not any other girl, your my best friend/teddy bear Tama!" I shouted at her to add affect.

At that she started laughing. We were at the mall. Tama already knew about my past. I had taught her how to shift. She turned out to be a fox. She knew I so badly wanted to get revenge on the shifter society for taking my mother away, just because she taught me how to shift. I was five at the time. The rules to teaching how to shift are they must be someone you trust and over sixteen. Since I was five, they thought I should not be trusted. My mother knew though that I was intelligent enough to not tell anybody. When they came bursting throught the door we tried to tell them, but they would not listen. I shifted to try and get them away from my mother, but that just got them more angry. I remembered that day like it was yesterday.

"Armela!" I jumped out of my seat.

"Armela this is the third time you've went to lala land."

"Sorry I was thinking about my mom."

"Oh.. Well this one thing might interest you...."


"Have you heard of the rebellion?"


"Well there's this group that has been going against the society."


"Yeah a lot of the shifters have been joining, since lately the society has been using all the money for those parties."

"Don't forget that there is the chaos, lots of people have been teaching others to shift. Which most of them are under age or teaching their friends."

"Ok, lets stop talking about this and continue shopping!"

We were at the mall taking a break from shopping. "I don't want to!"

"If you come I'll buy you anything you want." At that I hopped up and ran to the shoe store looking for a certain pair of shoes.

When Tama finally caught up I was already sitting in one of the chairs with the shoe box in my lap. "Well who knew Armela could be so enthusiastic about shopping."

"Only when someone says they are going to buy me anything I want!"

"Oh yeah, so can I see the shoes?" I took the shoes out of the box and showed them to Tama. "They are so cute!"

"I know right?" The shoes were a pair of sneaker heels they were emerald green and black.

"Lets go buy them."

"Yay!" I then ran to the register. Tama bought my shoes and suggested to go to my house to find an outfit to match them. When we arrived at my house Tama ran up to my room. By the time I came into my room Tama had thrown half of my closet onto my bed. Knowing the routine, I chose what I liked. When I was finished only an eighth of my closet was on the bed, Tama had already put most of the clothes back in the closet. She went through the clothes and made three outfits. The one that stood out was one with a black jean skirt with a green tank top with a black cardigan. I loved it, but there was the other outfit with black skinny jeans and a green and black corset. I chose the skinny jeans but took the shirt and cardigan instead of the corset. I put the outfit on.

"You look awesome!"

"I know right." After that we decided to shift. we ran outside and shifted. I lived very close to the forest, which it was my backyard. I shifted into a bear while Tama a fox. We went to this lake, deep in the forest. When we got to the stream we changed back into human form. Luckily no one seemed to know about it. There were always stories about us having clothes on while we changed, but that was not true. When we changed we have to have a pair of clothes near us. We always came here so we had some clothes here. "Come on Tama!" I ran to the edge of the lake and jumped in.

We had finished playing and sat on some rocks near the east side of the lake. We were laughing at each other when we heard a growl. I looked up and saw a lion. There shouldn't be any lions around here, I thought. That was when I figured out he was a shifter. I knew he was guy because of how the lion looked. I stood up and went to grab my underwear before walking back over. I quickly slipped them on and held my hands up to say I didn't want to fight. The guy bowed his head to say he didn't want to fight either. He went into the bushes and came back out in his human form, thankfully with pants on. The guy had brown hair, sea blue eyes, and looked pretty fit. I just looked normal, with brown hair,and pale yellow brown eyes.

"Hello, my name is Armela."

"Nice to meet you Armela, my name is Laith."

"Now what are you doing here?"

"I am hiding here."


"Yes Hiding."

"From who?"

"The society, I am part of the rebellion."

When he said that I suddenly remembered what Tama told me.

"So you are hiding out here?"

"Yes we are."

"So all of you are hiding here?"

"Not all but most of us. We have camps everywhere."

"Why are you just telling me all this? Isn't this supposed to be confidential?"

" I feel I can trust you."

" Oh... Ok!"

" I have a question... Would you be willing to join?"

"Wait a second. Tama!"

"Yes?" Tama had put a big baggy shirt on since, unlike me she did care if someone of the opposite sex saw her almost naked. I asked her if she would want to join. I knew this would be my chance to get revenge. I gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"Yes we can join, under one condition."

" What is your condition?"

" We have to get to know you more, so to do that we must hang out. So my condition is you must hangout with us."

"Ok, I'll take you to camp. Then we can go get your clothes and things." We went to put the rest of our clothes on and then we went off to the camp.

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