~Welcome to the Club~ Idea #2

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I looked around nervously. Today was my first day of school. My dad had gotten a new job and we had moved all the way to Seattle, Washington. My new middle school was known for having the most talented kids. From what I could tell everything was exactly the same as my older one except there was more up to date stuff and the kids were different. This school had the a-day, b-day schedule. I thought this was easier. I went up to the front office and got my schedule. My parents had been busy all morning so I didn't really have time to say bye. I went to my first class, seminar. I went up to the teachers desk. There I met Ms. Loren. "Hello! You must be Lovella. I'm Ms. Loren. You can go sit next to Aveline. Aveline, can you come over here please?"

"Sure Ms. Loren!" A girl with long straight black hair came over. She was a couple inches shorter than me. She was part Asian from what I could tell. She had almost mint ice cream colored eyes. "Aveline, this is Lovella our new student. I was wondering if you could show her around?"

"Really? I can't wait!"

"I'll take that as a yes." Aveline started walking to her desk so I followed her. "Hi nice to meet you! You already know my name is Aveline, and I know yours is Lovella. I can't wait for you to meet my friends. I'm sorry if you think I'm talking too much..."

"No it's fine." I laughed. She was very energetic. By the time seminar was over I had found out that Aveline was in the special arts club, had a boyfriend named Adler, her favorite color was purple, and we had almost our whole schedule together except she had art and I had band. She had seen that I was in advanced band even though I was only a seventh grader. "Wow! That is so cool!" I had laughed saying it wasn't such a big thing, but she had said it was since I would be the second seventh grader in advanced band. I was wondering who was the other seventh grader. Both Aveline and I headed to our our next class.


I had gone to each and every class so far. Every one was really easy. When I told Aveline she was surprised, she had said that she only understood about more than half of her classes. Right now was lunch time. The cafeteria was in a separate building connected to the high school. I walked in behind Aveline, which she led me to a table the table was empty when we both sat down. A minute later a girl sat down She had brown hair frckles and dark blue eyes. "Lovella meet Sangita. Sangita meet Lovella."

"Nice to meet you I'm Sangita." She smiles. Another girl came over her hair was a light brown, and her eyes were a light purple. "Opal! Meet Lovella, she's new!" Opal looked at me and finally smiled. She seemed to be reading me or something. "What do you think Opal?"

"I think she's wonderful."

"Really?" said Aveline happily.

"Yes." Opal looked at Aveline laughing.

"Wow, Lovella you actually got her acceptance!" I looked at Aveline. "Opal barely accepts anyone, and when she does it's rare."

"Okay..." I was wondering what made her opinion so important. "So Lovella what are you gifted at?"


"That is so not true! She's in Advanced band!"

"Really?" A guy who came up behind Aveline said. "Oh yeah, Lovella meet Adler."

"Don't forget me!" Another guy came up behind Adler. "Lovella meet the very annoying Barett." While Adler had Dark hair and emerald green eyes, Barett had sand colored hair and sky blue eyes. Both of the boys sat down. I could tell right away that Sangita liked Barett. She kept glancing at him, and when she looked away he looked at her. This went on for the rest of lunch with Aveline and Adler laughing with each other. I talked to Opal. She was one grade higher than us. From what I could tell, she was very smart. Sangita made a fun of it by bowing down and saying "Oh great master, teach me your ways." I found out everyone at the table had a gift and was in the special arts club. I had noticed all of their eyes were an odd color. "Guys why are all of your eyes a different color?" At that they paused. Sangita was the one who spoke. "You'll find out later."

When lunch ended I had two more classes. I was headed to the first one with Aveline and Sangita who had the same class. We all had World Geography. This turned out to be one of my favorite classes the teacher was Mrs. Flora she was young and very pretty. I had fun in her class. She let us do what we wanted by voting. My next and last class was band. I hurried to where I knew the band room was. When I entered the room I saw there was a side office. I went into the office and met Mr. Harmer. "You must be the new student. You can go talk to Dima she's the one with the blond hair, and silver eyes." I looked for Dima and found her. "Hi I'm Lovella and Mr.Harmer told me to come to you."

"Hi Lovella, I'm Dima. What instrument do you play?"

"I play Clarinet."

"Really? I play Trumpet. How long have you played?"

"Only for a couple months."

"Really? Wow I'm surprised it took me my whole middle school life to get as good as I am now. Follow me I can get you a Clarinet." I followed her into a storage room. "Wait a second... Okay found one. Here just check it out after class okay? Oh, and here is the music we're playing. You can go sit next to Clara." I looked to where her finger was pointing. I started walking towards Clara when all of a sudden there was a boy in the middle of my step. I fell onto the ground.

"Hey!" I was angry. well that was until I got a good look at the boy. He had black hair, and the darkest blue eye's I had ever seen. "Sorry about that my friends over there were messing with me. I was just trying to get away."

"I-It's okay." He smiled and helped me up. He smiled once again and went back to getting away from his friends. I went over to Clara. We introduced ourselves and she showed me were to sit and what to do. I read over the songs and got them right away. I tried playing them. Clara seemed to be amazed. Mr. Harmer called me over. "I wanted to see how your doing on the songs. I saw you practicing." I played a couple of the songs. "Well you are way better than I expected. There's only one other person I have seen like you, and that person is Archer. He plays the Tenor Saxophone, he plays just like you."

"Really? Who's Archer?"

"That boy right over there." I looked at where Mr. Harmer was looking and saw the boy from earlier. "I'm thinking you should be in the special arts club. Here." He signed a slip of paper. "They have meetings everyday. You should go after school today."

"Sure." I went back to my seat. The rest of class was us just tuning and practicing.


School had finished, and I had already called my mom to tell her I was staying after school. I went over to the special arts club room. I entered a room that was secluded from the rest of the school. I saw Aveline and everybody else. I also saw Archer there. There were more then one teacher supervising. There was the chorus, band, dance, drama, and sports teachers. The band teacher smiled when he saw me walk in. Aveline, when she noticed me ran over. "You're here!" She suddenly hugged me. " Come sit!" She dragged me over to where everyone is. I didn't know why but my eyes were drawn to Archer. Our eyes met once and I looked down and blushed. Finally after five minutes. The club started. "Everyone I want you to meet our new member." Mr Harmer looked at me. "Lovella. Please could you come up here."

"Okay..." I went up to the front of the class room. All of a sudden everyone's eyes started glowing.

"This is what we are," I heard. suddenly everyone around me changed. People grew wings, tails, ears, and claws. Surprisingly I wasn't afraid. "Archer please come up here." Archer came up to the front of the classroom. He had changed to look like a wolf. "Would you like to become one of us? If you don't we will erase your memory." I looked at Archer and made the biggest decision of my life. "Yes..." Next thing I know my finger was being pricked. "Lovella you must swear not to tell any one."

"I swear." They pricked Archer's finger too. They took both Archer's and my finger and pressed them together. I felt a shock from my finger. It spread throughout my body when it got to my head I felt my body changing. I felt ears grow out of my head, a tail, claws, and my teeth sharpen. I looked at Archer. He held my wrist and I saw we both had the same mark, a paw print. At that moment I could hear Aveline in my head. "You are now one of us!"

"Wait what?" I looked into Archer's eyes and realized what she meant. I suddenly felt a wave of a feeling I had never felt before. I also saw my eye's had changed, they were yellow. Right then I heard everybody say "Welcome to the club."

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