Chapter 8

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Arrows, catapults, axes, WAR..... vikings fighting bloody around me, screaming and roaring. Dragons are firing at us, blasting out the ships but they seem to be coming from a huge mountain, i don't know where i am. Hiccup.... Hiccup , i need to find him him, something doesn't feel right, something bad is about to happen. Someone is approaching me, roaring and wanting to kill, i had my axe in my hand and adjusted myself to a fighting stance  ready to defend my self. He attacked and i blocked his every move until i saw  a black swift blur above us , Hiccup. He blocked that guy's next move and carried me away with him to a safe place, away from the war.

"Stay Here ! " he ordered

"NO hiccup , i cant leave you, i'll go with you ' i said

"Astrid please, i-i can't lose you, please" he said gazing at me with his glistening eyes

"You won't, please hiccup, i can't lose you either, i gotta be with you" i said

" Fine but please be careful " he said with a sigh

" I Will" i said with a smile, i didn't know what came over me but i all of a sudden leaned forward and caught his lips with mine, i kissed him and he kissed back with all he had, the kiss was so passionate, gentle, and beautiful, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me as close as he could until there was zero space between our bodies. He kissed me like it's our last, like something is gonna change everything. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and i gladly let him sending electric sensations throughout my body, i wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him impossibly close. I moaned into the kiss and that seemed to urge him more, he wanted me as much as i did but unfortunately, now is not the time.

We both pulled away needing to catch our breaths, we gazed at each other for what seemed like hours, i could see the love in his eyes and the fear of loss, i leaned forward once again and kissed him on the cheek then hugged him tightly. We held each other so lovingly so neither of us wanted to pull away.

"I love you" i said

He nuzzled onto my neck softly " I love you too" he mumbled softly, i never wanted this moment to end.

As if on cue, we heard a loud feminine scream "HICCUP" , we both pulled away abruptly to see what's happening.

"NO" i heard him mutter while looking in the direction of the scream, faster than a blink he took off in speed of light leaving me in a daze.

"NOOOOO MOOOOOM !!!" he yelled


"NO" I woke up in a jolt breathing heavily, i looked around frantically and saw that nothing was out of place, i sighed relieved "thank thor, i guess it was just a nightmare " i thought

'You Okay, i heard your scream" i gasped surprised and turned my head in the direction of the voice 

I turned and saw hiccup standing with his wigs folded at the entrance of the cove, "I'm fine, just a nightmare" i replied

"Want to talk about it" he asked cooly

"No i dont think so, sorry" I answered

"It's okay, we'll have to change your bandages today" he informed

i nodded then sighed, "Hey, can i ask you something ?"

"Sure, anything" he said while looking for something in his big wooden chest

"Can i go outside today, sitting her all day alone is boring. You can come with me and take a walk if you don't want wandering through this place alone" i said

He seemed to think for a second then said "It's not that, it's your broken rib. Won't it hurt you when you move a lot"

ooooh, he cared about my rib, "My rib is fine, at least i can manage but i really wanna go out, please" i eyed him hopefully

"Fine i'll take you out" he said and i lightened up at him happily but he cut off my happy mode by saying  "But under one condition", oh come on...

"Since you can't walk, you'll have to ride a dragon" he said while eyeing me cautiously

"WHAT? no i can't" i stared at him wide eyed

"Why not? it's easier for you this way and less tiring" he said as if it's totally for him, oh right who am i kidding, it's hiccup so of course he would say that.

I just stared at him in silence, waiting for him to say something less weird than what he had already said.

"Don't worry, it's just toothless. he won't do you any harm" he said gesturing to the approaching dragon

"Just try to be calm with him and earn his trust, come here toothless" he knelt in front of the dragon to nuzzle the dragon's neck

I watched him admirably playing with toothless never getting bored, they looked at each other with so much love, like they've been best friends for centuries, this guy really is something.

Hiccup finally looked back at me and gestured for me to sit up straight, i complied and observed him nearing the dragon to me.

"Aah hiccup, what are you doing?" i asked nervously, i really didn't know what this guy had in mind.

He didn't answer and kept approaching me with his dragon until they were in front of me, he glanced at me for a moment as if to tell not to worry and i finally felt all of my worries drift away slowly.

He took my hand gently and immediately i felt jolts of electricity making my heart pulse even faster, he slowly landed my opened palm on Toothless 's head. OK this is really too much, I darted my gaze from Toothless to hiccup and then to Toothless in an almost near panic state.

"There you go.." he whispered near my ear, i moved my palm a little and started to pet the dragon slowly, he responded by leaning into my gestures by leaning in and started enjoying.

I stared surprised by the results with my jaws to the ground, hiccup seemed to notice my state of shock so he said " Now you have earned his trust so he'll let you ride him"

"B-but how?" i asked

"Let me help you get on him first" he said

He took my arm and helped my up on my feet, then he held my waist with both of his hands and carried me up to straddle the dragon, ok what the thor just happened ?

"Now you'll ride him on the ground, you're still not ready for flying" he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hold onto the saddle, i'll be beside while you take your walk outside" he said

After adjusting myself a little on the dragon he said "You Ready?"

I nodded enthusiastically and then we started headed outside to explore the island.

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