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     I'm sad because all of the Eddsworld X ChildReader's that I have been reading won't be getting finished. I swear to everyone that does like this story that I WILL finish this story and (try to) make it GREAT! Now onto the fourth chapter my Gators!


     You sighed in ecstasy and sank farther into the warm water of bubbles. You couldn't remember the last time you had a bath and you never wanted to get out.

     Edd had shown you how to work the bath and what shampoo's to use before grabbing you a washcloth and towl and giving you your privacy.

     That was only a few moments ago and you were determined to soak in that bathtub for hours.

     Edd left you alone to your bath and headed back down the hall carrying the rags you had called clothes.

     He wrinkled his nose at the sight and smell of them and quickly tossed them into the trash before heading into the living room where Tom, Tord, and Matt sat watching TV. Tom took notice of Edd's entrance first.

      "Hey Edd, what's up?" Tom asked, gaining the attention of Tord and Matt. Edd sighed and turned off the TV so he would have their full attention as he talked.

     "Guys, we need to talk about (Y/N). What are we going to do about them?" Edd asked. Tord rose a brow at this question and shrugged.

     "Isn't it obvious? Put them in an orphanage." Edd gasped at this and Matt full on glared at him.

     "Heck no we aren't doing that!" Edd stated. Matt quickly nodded his head.

     "Yeah they just got here!" Matt stated. Tom sighed at this and looked at Edd.

     "Edd look, I understand how you feel but we aren't exactly the best choice for taking care of a kid. We can barely take care of ourselves half of the time and you expect us to raise a kid?" Tom stated taking out his flask and taking a swig from it. Edd crossed his arms and glared disapprovingly at him.

     "Jehovah is, unfortunately, right. Plus, this isn't even legal! We have to go to court in order to actually keep her and then only one of us could be considered a legal guardian." Tord responded and began stating off the facts of why they would all be unsutable parents.

     "Oh yeah? Well if that's the case, I'll bring her to court tomorrow and legally adopt her." Edd said, ignoring everything Tord said. Tom turned white eyed and spit out his drink, Tord stared at Edd like he was crazy, and Matt looked excited and hopeful. Tord was the first to recover and shook his head.

     "Edd didn't you hear what I just said!? That's a lot of paperwork and money plus not all of us want to have a kid living here anyways." Tord shouted. Edd just looked at him confidantly and smiled.

     "Well too bad! I'm willing to adopt them and keep them off the streets. Plus this is my house and what I say goes!" Edd stated matter of factly. Tord and Tom groaned simultaneously in annoyance while Matt cheered. You were still bathing happily, completely unaware of the events happening downstairs.

     After an hour of just relaxing and soaking, you began to clean your hair and scrub yourself. When you got out of the bath, you wrinkled your nose in disgust at the now murky brown water.

     'Man I really was dirty...' You thought to yourself as you dried off and put on the only clothes you had, your new store bought ones. You opened the door and waltzed out, kind of enjoying how the air felt colder and the steam that flowed out from the bathroom.

     You heard voices from the living room and quietly entered it to see the four boys talking quietly. Matt and Edd looked rather happy while Tom and Tord looked annoyed. You gulped and walked closer before speaking.

     "Uh, Edd...I, uh, finished my bath." You spoke in a shy and quiet tone. Edd turned to you and smiled widely.

     "Well look at that! There actually is a human being underneath all that grime." Edd said. You laughed at that remark and hugged yourself.

     "Yeah! It feels nice to be clean!" You said gleefully, completely unaware at how your comment affected the people in the room. You noticed the quiet and looked to see them staring at you. You frowned slightly and crossed your arms.

     "What?" You demanded. You weren't used to being the center of attention and it made you uncomfortable, especially with them staring at you.

     "When is the last time you had a bath?" Tom asked curiously. You tilted your head and hummed thoughtfully.

     "I'm actually not sure. Maybe two weeks ago? Its been a while since I've been able to sneak into a place and shower." You stated simply while shrugging as if what you said was perfectly normal. The four boys shared a look, Matt and Edd pleading, which made Tom and Tord both sigh and share a 'Fine We Give Up' look. Edd clapped his hands together loudly and smiled, grabbing your attention.

     "Well you need to start getting used to baths like that because tomorrow we're going to legally adopt you!" You stared wide eyed, your jaw dropping open in shock. The boys watched you closely to see how you would respond once over your shock.

     "W-What!? Why? I mean you just met me after nearly running me over. Why would you want to take care of a kid like me? I mean did you see me a few moments ago? I'm a no good theiving street rat! Why are you acting so kind towards me and caring anyways? Do you want something from me? I'm not used to this....I don't deserve it." You rambled softly close to the verge of tears at this unbeleivable news you were given. Your poor troubled eight year old mind was given too much surprises in one day.

     "Thats exactly why we're going to adopt you." Your head snapped up at this to see Tom was the one who was talking.

     "Your just a kid and you don't need to take care of yourself and it must be tough living on the streets by yourself." You smiled and nodded at Tom's words but he wasn't done talking yet. He smirked and pointed a finger at Tord.

     "As for being a theiving street rat, we already have one of those so it's no big deal if we take in another." You snickered at this and Tord glared at Tom making sure to smack him across the head which Tom was expecting and dodged easily.

     You laughed as the two began to argue and attempt to hit each other. You turned to face Edd and gave him a watery smile, trying to hold back happy tears.

     "That....sounds great!" Edd smiled and Matt picked you up spinning you in a circle.

     "Now you really can be my kid! I'm going to show you my novelty toy collection and teach you how to be as awesome as me, but not too awesome." Matt started talking rapidly about his plans for you and you just smiled while thinking to yourself.

     'I guess living with these guys could be good for me. Besides, I like them and what's the worst that could happen?'


     Hey its the author here done with another chapter! Yay! Again this one is not my best and I tried to be as realistic as possible so sorry if it seems rushed or if there are some mistakes. I tried. Anyways, I gotta go work on another chapter! See ya later Gators!


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