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        I hope you guys are ready because you all are getting asked out~ ;)

       Also, I want to apologize again for my long absence. High school is kicking my ass (looking at you economics class) and writers block sucks! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and forgive me!

       You stood dumbfounded beside your locker, your hands shaking slightly as they gripped the note you held in a death grip and your cheeks dusted a light pink.

'Dear (Y/N),
Hi! I know we've only known each other for a short while and have been friends for an even shorter time than that, but I was wanting to know if you would like to go on a date with me?
It's alright if you don't want too, we can still be friends and I'll be happy if you're happy.
Sincerely, (C/N).'

       You looked up and down the hall to see (C/N) themselves grabbing their bag from their own locker. They slammed it shut and turned to file out of the school with the other students when they caught your eye. (C/N) smiled widely, which revealed their cute dimples as they waved at you.

       Your pink cheeks burned red now and you felt the heat crawling up the back of your neck as (C/N) nervously approached you. They stopped a little bit in front of you and you both just nervously looked at each other.

      "S-So, you read my note?" (C/N) stuttered as they pointed at the note you held. You gulped and only hummed in response with a nod of confirmation. You were far too scared to speak for fear of embarrassing yourself and the butterflies in your stomach went into a panicked flight as (C/N)'s eyes met yours.

       "Um, cool. So, I-I hope this isn't too forward but, c-can I know your answer now?" The red blush that coated your crushes face had you feel better knowing they were just as nervous as you and a fond smile grew on your lips as your shaking hands twisted the note in your hands even more.

       "We-Well, I-I like you too. So, uh, yeah..." You wanted to kick yourself for your stuttered mess of a sentence and you lowered your head in slight shame as (C/N) let out an airy laugh.

       "That's awesome! I'm glad you feel the same. So, how does me picking you up around eight on Friday sound?" (C/N) rushed the last sentence out and quickly hid their face from view as you shot your head up to look at them.

     You felt another smile grow on your lips as your crush hid their face behind their hands, only the pink tips of their ears indicating the blush that must've consumed their face.

      "Of course. That sounds like a wonderful idea." You giggled at the relieved look that appeared on (C/N)'s face as they lowered their hands and plunged them into their pockets.

      "Sweet. I-I'll see you tomorrow then?" (C/N) asked.

      "Yep. I'll see you tomorrow and Thursday and Friday and...I-I'm gonna stop talking now." You rambled and chuckled nervously. (C/N) smiled at you.

       "Oh please don't. I love when you ramble on about things, especially something your passionate about. It's really cute." (C/N) replied and your eyes widened as you met their gaze, your heart lifting up from your stomach and into your throat.

      "Really?" You choked and (C/N)'s eyes widened in realization at what they said.

      "Y-Yeah. Really." They sheepishly raised a hand to the back of their neck and chuckled. You giggled at this and you both stood in comfortable silence, looking at each other with red cheeks and soft smiles. A shout for (C/N) however broke the nice atmosphere between you two and brought you back to reality.

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