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Summary: Zane enters Rikki's trailer one morning because he notices the door was open. Worried, he goes in to investigate. But when finding out that all is fine with Rikki, he soon gets more than he bargained for. Rikki's out to play a game with her ex to make him suffer, but will he take it or give just as much back to her. Zane has never been one to lose a competition without giving it all he's got ;) (Post: Season 3 -About two month after Breakaway)

She sat with her legs crossed on her tiny bed, which was really just an old worn out mattress laid out on faded grey carpet. She had thin black sheets on it that were messily spread across it, and also on the floor was the only expensive thing she owned: her red flower patterned comforter. Yeah, her comforter. She remembered her dad spending months just earning the money to buy it for her. He, himself, slept with a simple throw over blanket, which he always said he was ok with because he frequently got hot flashes during the night, but she knew better.

Her dad simply only had enough money to buy her a comforter that winter night last December. There were bills to pay and a comforter for himself just didn't seem as important as not having water or electricity, or non-ragged clothes for his daughter. He already had to buy his daughter's clothes at thrift stores, so he would at least make damn well sure that they were the best clothes that were sold at those cheap low-end thrift stores.

The dark purple curtain that divided the rest of the trailer from her bedroom opened an inch. Her dad peaked his head in, "Hey sweetheart,"

Rikki picked her head up from the magazine she was flipping through, "Yeah, dad?" She answered.

"I got called into work again, so I'll be gone until late morning."

Rikki nodded wordlessly and looked back down at her magazine. "Mmkay.' She finally mumbled just for his benefit, "Don't worry about me."

Her dad let out a soft chuckle, staring at her, "I always worry about you, hun." His eyes then turned serious, as he said, "Never will I not."

After the curtain closed and she heard the trailer door announce his exit for the rest of the night, Rikki threw her magazine down on the floor carelessly, grabbing her comforter and pulling it over her.

"I understand my life, but sometimes I wish...," She frowned, her finger lazily tracing one of the flowers on her comforter, "Sometimes I wish this wasn't my life all." She grumbled to herself, rolling over on her left side just as the sweet pleasure of sleep hit her.


The bright hue of the sun shining through the windows, the birds chirping, and even the laughs of children from the trailer park, alerting everyone that morning was now upon them, wasn't enough to wake her.

It never was. When Rikki slept, she slept, and she slept hard. And it was almost impossible to wake her. It was probably because sleeping was the only time that she was able to truly escape her difficult life. Well, that and when she would literally turn into a fish, but even when she swam at top speed through the blue waters of the Australia ocean, she couldn't truly escape. Sleep only let her escape. When she slept she could dream of better things, a better life, a more peaceful future for herself.

Anything. Everything.

There were no limitations.

Not in dreamland, there weren't.


Unbeknownst to the still sleeping girl who was lightly snoring on her mattress, the door of the trailer slid open.

A brown-haired guy stepped in. "Hello?" He called out uneasily.

Zane was awake all night, as he had been for the last several weeks since their breakup, pondering about why Rikki split with him. He still had no idea. Or ok maybe he did, but he was certain that the Sophie situation wouldn't have driven her to break up with him. It was just one kiss, one he didn't even start in the first place, and ok, sure, maybe he didn't push Sophie away like he should have, but he was just so shocked... And then by the time he thought to push his managress away and tell her off, she pulled back from him... And...and then he wiped his mouth, and it was over. Rikki hadn't even been there to see it, or so he had thought at the time. So what was the harm?

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