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BeastlyChapter 9Five for one

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Chapter 9
Five for one

Elena sat bitching on how she didn't feel right.

"I like Elijah sis, but it's a chance to kill klaus and Rebekah not to mention Elijah did betray you last minute" Bethan pointed out and than when Caroline came in.

"this privacy spell sucks and Elena don't feel bad" The blonde vampire stated sitting on the bed.

"besides they'll be dead by the end of the Say" Bonnie confessed earning a strange look from her friends.

"it's a full moon Ester needs to harness and celestial event and she asked me and abby to join her" Bonnie informed the girls, about an hour later there was a knock on the door.

"Elijah?" Bethan asked confused seeing the original at their door.

"Bethan I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude but is your sister home?" He asked the younger Gilbert who nodded.

"Elena vampire at the door" she yelled throughout the house .

"well that was effective" the vampire stated as he could hear footsteps

"Elijah?" Elena asked confused as to why the vampire was at their door step.

"I was hoping you might accompany me" he asked the doppelgänger who nodded.

"yes of course" Elena smiled as she grabbed her coat.

"wait" Bethan told the two.

"now we already have a love triangle" Bethan started looking at Elena then her head flicked over to Elijah.

"don't make it a square- toodles" she waved leaving her sister in shock.

Elena was now kidnapped by Elijah and they had to figure out a way to save Elena and kill the mikaelsons

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Elena was now kidnapped by Elijah and they had to figure out a way to save Elena and kill the mikaelsons. Damon was on the phone go Alaric.

"what do we do?" Ric asked the vampire.

"divide and conquer. Are they still there?" Damon asked talking about Klaus and Kol.

"yes they drink through half the bar's liquor" ric told him having a quick look over.

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