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(A/n: Before we start I want to mention that Rose is not the Rosé from BlackPink. No dis on Rosé, I freaken love that girl. Sorry if you were confused. Also thank you so much for reading I really appreciate it💕)

Rose POV
"You're going in for an interview?" Jin asked. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Yea"

"When is it?"


"And you're not preparing?"

"I'll do fine."

"That's what you said last time and look you're still jobless." I groaned at his comment.

"You're lucky your parents are even letting you live by yourself. I would've sent you to Japan and force you to get a job."


"What? I'm just saying.."

"I'll be fine mom."

"Daughter, I'm going to send you to a different country." We both laugh and then turn our attention back to the TV screen.

"Rose, Do you want me to help you prepare?"

"I'd rather watch the movie." I yawned while he shot a glare at me. "What?"

"Go get your notes! We're gonna practice an interview!"


"Because seeing you like this is pathetic and I feel bad for you parents." He kicked me off the couch making my butt hit the ground. I pouted as I got up rubbing my bottom.



"Are these it?"

"Yea." I cover my head as I felt Jin start to hit me with the paper.

"You only have three pages of notes!?"

"Yea! There weren't a lot of questions!"

"Aish! You're giving me a head ache.." He said rubbing his temple.

"Tch no one asked you to help anyway." I crossed my arms.

Next day

I fiddled with my fingers. I was in Jin's car, he offered to drive me to the interview location and I agreed. I was confident about the interview before, but now that the day finally came I'm really nervous.

"What's with you?" Jin asked noticing my fingers.


"Are you nervous?" I continued to fiddle until he spoke again. "Yah, don't be nervous. We went over your notes ten times yesterday and I added in a few questions for you too."

"I know but still.." He pulled up to a glass building about seven stories high. I unbucked my seat belt and opened the door "You want me to go in with you?"

"No, I'll be ok. Thanks for the ride." Yea right. I'm a nervous wreak. He waved good bye as he pulled off the curb. I turned toward the building and saw the multiple amount of people entering. Taking a deep breath I got ready and walked toward the entrance.

Once inside I was directed to go into the waiting area and wait for my number to be called on. I was number 37. Ok I have some time to prepare. I took out my notes from my bag and started going over them. I started reading over them but constantly got distracted by the conversations of the interviewees who were coming out. "How do you think you did?"

"They're really scary!"

"But did you see the CEO he was so handsome."

"Which one was the CEO?"

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