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Holding hands,
Smiling and laughing,
Being all lovey dovey.

That's how me and Phoenix used to look at each other. She seems so happy with that Beast Boy kid, happier than she was with me. Trigon told me and Slade to pass a message to Phoenix and Raven. So me and Slade is standing on top of one of the building in Jump City, watching those two lovebirds.

"So when are we going to deliver the message to Phoenix?" Slade asked me as the mark of Trigon burned bright on his mask.

"I'll do it right now just watch for Phoenix just in case she tries to escape, you attack her," I told Slade as he simply nodded his head in agreement. "Timo Kiko Stoppa!"

Time quickly stopped in Jump City, leaving people frozen in mid-action. My eyes landed on Phoenix, she looked worriedly at Beast Boy as he was in mid-laugh. I slowly descended to the sidewalk they was walking on and snap my fingers. A ring of fire surround me, Phoenix, and the frozen Beast Boy. Phoenix turned around, her face looked with anger. Her eyes spoke the emotion of fear.

"What did you do to my Beast Boy!? Phoenix said with worry but yelled as tears building up in her eyes.

"I didn't do anything I just wanted to talk to you alone!" I smiled an evil smile.

"We have nothing to talk about so leave the both of us alone!"



Phoenix yelled as she jerked her arms up. This caused the slab of concrete connected to my body. Sending me flying back from the ring of fire. I landed hard on a car that was on the far side of the ring of fire. I lifted my head up to see Phoenix flying away with the frozen Beast Boy in her hands.

Turning my eyesight at Slade, I nodded my head as I slowly got up. Slade threw a fireball at Phoenix and Beast Boy knocking them both down to the other cars of Jump City. I flew over to the groaning Phoenix. I landed, walking over to the two happy couple.

"You can't get away from me until I deliver my message!" I commanded aggressively pushing Beast Boy away from Phoenix while I was gripping Phoenix's clothes lifting her up to my eye level.

"I said I don't want your message and now leave me alone so I can go back to my date!" Phoenix punched me in the face while I let her go.

"Oh baby remember when our dates used to be to destroy the world! How we had competitions to see who would destroy more than the other! Or how many people we can kill in a single invasion! How your body used to pump excitedly when you see blood, people getting hurt, or when someone beg for your mercy to stop! Baby, your a monster just like me and your father, don't deny it! Because I know you missed that feeling, and I can tell by your body!"


Every word Talon whispered became images in my head. All those built up tears started to spill out of my eyes. Everything around me and Talon became undone. Trees coming out of its roots, the ground started to shake swallowing the cars up in holes, window glasses of stores' started to break, and landed on the frozen people. Blood slowly spilled out and onto the broken concrete of the ground. I was on my hands and knees crying covering my face up in shame of myself. I could hear Talon starting to laugh at the chaos that was happening around him.

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID PHOENIX!" Talon forced me up to see the damage that I caused.

All of this reminds me of all those dimensions I destroyed. The lives I took away and the broken families that was left to pick up the pieces I snatched away and being slaves to my father.

"Your a monster baby just like me and your father! Look at Beast Boy," Talon pointed over to Beastie.

I turn my glance over to him as he was still in mid-laugh like he didn't been through much pain in his life. More tears came out of my eyes as more chaos happened around the three of us.

"Beast Boy, a boy who is always happy and carefree. A boy who is fighting for good and justice, seeing the good in everyone and sending the bad guys in jail where you suppose to be at but I'll think they will make a special prison for you thanks to your older sister Raven that is doing the same line of work as Beast Boy, don't you think?!" Talon questioned with a smirk that I could hear growing on his face.

"Beast Boy loves me and he accepted what I did in the past was a mistake!" I shouted as I fell to my knees again.

"Oh really he do now? What if you retold him the same story but this time go to extreme detail about how you destroyed a dimension or how you mercilessly killed innocent people and sometimes their whole families before everyone's very eyes!?"

I was silent, I knew Beast Boy will not approve of that. I could imagine his grossed out face, his shameful face, and one last image of him turning his back on me calling this relationship off. Making me cry even more.

Talon grabbed me again lifting me up as the Mark of Skath appeared all over his body. Talon looked at me with so much evil in his eyes. I thought he was turning into my father. I felt Talon tight grip on my arms, the Mark of Skath took over me. I screamed in this lonely Jump City with no one to help me.

Day to night passed as my hair grew longer than it was before. My clothes ripping along with my cloak. Talon threw me on the ground while the Mark of Skath covered my body. I screamed in agony. Talon slowly walk up towards me with the same evil smile as before.

"Now that I fully got your attention, your father wants me to tell you that you and Raven's time on this beloved Earth is running out really soon and that he can't wait to see you well your soulless body in his possession in a few more days!" Talon said he soon disappeared leaving this world frozen for me to clean up.

I slowly stood up with the Mark of Skath still on my body as I looked at it with shame. I silently cried some more. I didn't ask to be born with all this pain and hurt I was feeling. I turn my head to see a small family of 4 walking the streets of Jump City frozen in time. They have ice creams in each of their hands as they was untouched by my chaotic behavior earlier. The family had a mom, a dad, and twin girls. They all had a smile on their faces, content with the life they was living.

I flew over to the small family staring at the twin girls hoping that it was me and Raven. A smile brimmed on my face, the twin girls looked genuinely happy. The girls looked at their parents lovingly. Something I wished me and Raven grew up with. I flew away from the family back next to where Beast Boy is at still smiling at that little family.

"Cleansa Tu Eva!" I shouted the spell as I cleanse up my damage I made in Jump City to way it was before Talon came in and ruined the moment for me and Beast Boy.

I snapped my fingers and time started to come back to Jump City. I heard Beast Boy contagious laugh stopped as he looked at me worry and so was other people that was walking by us.

"Nix what's wrong? What happen to your clothes? And how did your hair grew that long in order a short amount of time like that?" Beast Boy asked slamming all the questions he could think of on me.

"I don't want to talk about it and this date is over. I'm so sorry Beast Boy!" I looked down to the ground and slowly flew away from Beast Boy as I knew he heart was broken.

A/n: sorry for the extremely long wait for this chapter 😭. My wattpad for some reason was acting up freezing and stuff while I was writing or checking my notifications, but luckily I fixed it and I'll make it up to you guys today as I can hope I can upload twice in one day 😊😇🙌🏾🙏🏾. I hope you enjoyed it as I somewhat enjoyed it even though it was breaking my heart as I was writing it 😭. But overall thanks for getting chapter one of this over to 1K reads and passing the 6K reads all together 😭😊😇! This is a huge accomplishment for me so I would like to thank my fellow readers who consistently read this story and fell in love with the characters like I did! So thanks again see you later on today!!!!!!! 💋💖😊😇👏🏾🙏🏾🎉

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