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Next day: Beast Boy

I woke up to my messy room as I climbed out of the bed. My green feet hit the clothes covered ground. I walked out my room with my shower and hygiene supplies in my hands. Into the usual isolated hallways of the Titans Tower. I was walking to the bathroom until I felt a familiar dark presence behind me. Turning around to see a fully dressed Raven with her hood off her head as she looked at me with despair.

"Beast Boy, I'm sorry about last night with Phoenix," Raven apologize on behalf of Phoenix.

I looked at her strangely because one she usually never apologize to me. Second of all I didn't see the point in her apology since she didn't do nothing to me physically nor mentally.

"What are you apologizing for Rae?" I asked as a confuse expression written over my face.

"What Phoenix said last night was out of line to you, to the team, and even to me. Phoenix lost hope in defeating our father, but hey can you blame her though?" Raven said as she was now leaning on the wall of the Tower, still staring into my green soul.

"Oh that, it didn't really hurt me but you're right on that. I can't blame Phoenix for the lost of hope. The Prophecy never spoke on how to defeat your father like he was gonna win the Earth over hands down without a fight. But all I can do is give Phoenix and you a new hope to live off of! That's why we're going on this mission to the old library to find answers on how to stop it!"

"I have hope Beast Boy, the old Phoenix taught me hope when I didn't have any but you guys going to the abandon library is not going to be easy I'll tell you that!"

"I know but I'm doing this you guys, you are like my family!"

"That's good to hear and because I will join guys and help as much as possible if I don't get too overwhelm,"

"That's good to know Rae see you in a bit!"

I turned around to continue my walk to the bathroom until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Turning around again to see it was Raven with the same despair look in her eyes.

"Is there anything else you need Rae?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes I need you to be there for Phoenix because there's only so much I can do as a big sister to her," Raven said sadly as she was on verge of crying but the tears wasn't coming out.

"What do you mean by there's only so much you can do, you could do a lot!" I said in shock.

"As Phoenix's big sister she is not going to listen to me that much as she would with you. Beast Boy, you have to understand Phoenix needs you and hell I need you too, I hate to admit that! But your kind spirit that you developed over the years can bring back that hope Phoenix has and even make my grow so more!"

Too speechless to speak all I could do is nod my head as Raven pulled me in a tight hug. I was paralyzed from the chest on down and soon I hugged her back.

"Thanks little brother!" Raven chuckled a bit before she left me back into the isolated hallways of the Tower.

Abandoned Library: Starfire

Cyborg parked his car outside the abandoned library as we all but Phoenix got out the car. Phoenix decided not come which really hurts me since she knows so much about this library. It's like she wanted her father to win. But at least we got Raven with us to give us her little knowledge of the old library. Closing the car doors behind us as we walk closer to the broken down library.

The library was really broken down to the point there were cracks in it. Broken parts of the library laid across the street and sidewalk. It's not a shocker to this library holds broken information inside.

Phoenix, Raven's Twin Sister (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now