The breakup

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Third person point of view Ironhide was speaking to bumblebee "what's wrong with her she passed by me and didn't even look at me something got to be wrong with her". Ironhide said looking at his sparkmate. He hated to see her so down. "I don't know Ironhide she ignored me when I tried to talk to her I guess she's a little up set with us not going to see her". Bumblebee said through the radio. Ironhide then felt guilty it has been a while since he's seen her or even went to go see her he did miss her a lot. "Of course she's upset you dimwits she cries at night she can't go to sleep who do you think keeps her company at home before we went to live with her she lived alone that's just wrong you guys are bad soulmates to her now she's all skinny and bags under eyes and shit she's not the old Alex anymore and you know who's fault that is its yours and big mans fault if you just paid attention or at least called she wouldn't be like this you dimwit". Wheelie said. He turned his back leaving. "Yea not cool". Brains said. He then followed wheelie trapjaw looked at Ironhide "mommy not happy no more". She said in sadness enough to break anyone's heart she then followed Brains and wheelie. Ironhide sighed "This is my fault I could have at least called her now look what I've down". Ironhide said. Bumblebee patted him on the back "she'll forgive you She's Alex she loves you guys". He said. "Bee this isn't like last time I think we really screwed up". He said. He started to walk where his sparkmate was she was sitting down on the railing looking down at the ground he stood in front of her "careful sweetspark I don't want you falling and hurting yourself". He said gently rubbing her cheeks with his thumb. She looked up at him he almost gasped wheelie was right she had bags under her eyes and her cheeks weren't as puffy as he remembered and the light in her eyes weren't their anymore "why because I'm a useless human just like the rest of them". She said she got down from the railing. She started to walk the other way Ironhide frowned not liking this Alex she wasn't a useless human she was his sparkmate his beautiful sparkmate. "Sweetspark what's the matter is it because we didn't call". He said to her. She ignored him. "Sweetspark?". He said. She turned to him "quit calling me that!". She said yelling. She almost regretted saying that. He felt his spark fall a little bit. The yelling caught the attention of everyone even Optimus and the sentinel prime. Optimus came walking toward them to see what the problem was "Alex?". He said. She chuckled to herself "look who came to the party mister high and mighty". She said. "Alex what's your problem?". Jazz said walking over. She threw her hands up "I'm sick of all the games already give it up you think I don't see it huh well I do I'm not just a stupid human Okay first you don't call or even come to visit us even bee or even you jazz I thought you were my friend but I thought wrong I haven't seen or talked to any of you for six months do you know how that feels not to see or talk to to my soulmates or at least that's what i thought you were I started to think you only keep me around is because if I die you die to am I not enough for you any of you an I just a stupid human to you or maybe a toy you got bored of well I'm not I thought you guys actually loved me but what am I thinking a robot loving a human a human loving two robots ha don't get me started on that it wouldnt work that's probably going through your minds right now isn't it that's why you don't want me around anymore everyone keeps leaving me I was stupid to think I could be loved by someone I'm just not enough for anyone anymore you should have let megatron kill me before you even told me that I was your sparkmate before you told me you loved me oh wait you couldn't because I'm basically your life line that's the only reason I'm alive right now isn't it I was just bait for everything wasn't I you guys never loved me at all (she pulled at her hair) you guys probably wanted a beautiful femme as a sparkmate not this not this stupid useless human I loved you guys so much but just knowing that you guys never loved me or cared it breaks my heart it really does enough to think I don't have a heart anymore I thought you guys were my friends but I thought wrong you guys just wanted a plaything a little human to pass around huh well I'm not going to be that human anymore you know why because after this after we save the fucking world again from Decepticons trying to kill me again I don't care what I fucking have to do I'll go I'll leave far-away there won't be an us anyone I don't think their ever was an us I'll be gone from your life I'll go my own way you go yours you have betters things to worry about I'm not one of them and Jazz bumblebee I was never your friend!". She yelled then caught her breathe. Her face was red from anger she didn't care at the moment that she might have broke her soulmates spark into two or her best friends spark as well she was pissed. Optimus's and ironhides spark throbbed and cracked a little bit. Jazz and bumblebee had the most heartbreaking face ever. Jazz tried to touch her back but she snapped at him "don't. Touch. Me. I regret ever saving you if it were the other way around you would have left me to die". She snapped at him. She started to walk away Ironhide tried to touch her as well "I said down touch me you never loved me I don't care anymore I hate all of you". She said. She walked off trying to get to sam. But all the anger and rage left her tears weld up in her eyes she couldn't walk anymore she got on her knees she did it she broke their hearts or at lest she thought she did she started to cry "I just told the men I loved I hated them I'm so sorry Optimus Ironhide Jazz bumblebee". She whispered while crying. She continued to cry she still loved them she imagined their faces so heartbroken what did she do she brought her sleeve up and started to claw at the marks she deserved the pain the blood blood soon fame up from her clawing at them. He cried out she cried and cried "they'll never forgive me". She said to her self. She put her head to the ground and cried her heart out maybe she was wrong and she just lost the things she loved and cared about.
With Optimus Ironhide Jazz and bumblebee jazz didn't say a word his best friend hated him it hurt it really did but she was right he was a bad friend for not calling and now he lost her he felt horrible he transformed and drove somewhere to be alone. Bumblebee felt like a kicked puppy his best friend hated him the person that meant most to him hated him it hurt him to think that it did. He whimpered looking down his puppy dog blue eyes filled with pain. He to transformed and went somewhere to be alone for awhile. With Optimus and Ironhide they felt worse their sparks broke and felt horrible coolant ran down their face they felt terrible their sparkmate hated them she thought she was just a stupid human to them when they actually loved her more then anything now she was going to leave them forever and it was their fault they didn't call and say I love you they didn't go to see her and surprise her with flowers they made her think they never loved her now they lost her forever. Ironhide went to his shooting range while Optimus transformed and drove somewhere to think.

Ironhides Point of view I walked to my shooting range feeling terrible and spark broken she thought I never loved her now she's going to Leave us forever I couldn't take the pain I punched the wall making a dent in the wall. Coolant rolled down my cheeks I loved her so much with all my spark but she thinks I don't because of me. I looked to the ground but I noticed something on the ground I picked it up it was the frame I had on my desk the three of us she looked so beautiful that day smiling no worries she knew we loved her that day. I fell to my knees I rubbed her side of the picture "I'm so sorry sweetspark I love you so much". I said more coolant ran down to cheeks and to the floor "why don't you tell her that then". I heard wills voice behind me. "She'll never believe me". I said my voice cracking. "If you showed her maybe she might". He said. I got up maybe he's right I'll show her I love her. I walked out of my shooting rage to look for my sparkmate to tell her I loved her.

Alex's point of view I sat their crying till I felt a arm rap around me I looked up it was sam and Carly "Alex what happened?". He said. "I did it sam I feel really bad now they'll never forgive me". I said. He bent down and hugged me "tell me what happened Alex". He said. "I broke up with them I said some really mean things I didn't mean I love them sam and I think they loved me to I screwed up and now they hate me for it I'll be alone forever I love them I still love them sam it's not fair it's not fair". I said crying In his arms. "Shh it's okay Alex it's okay everything will be okay after all this is over you can tell them you love them okay they don't hate you they'll never hate you". He said. I sniffled and looked at him "you really think so?". I asked him. He smiled at me "I know so". He said. He helped me up "Come on were going home". Sam said. He held me in his arms because I don't think I could walk on my own. I saw all the soliders look at me judging me even the sentinel prime. I saw that we were walking to bumblebee no no he already hates me "no sam how about I ask will for a ride home huh". I said. He held me by my shoulders "Alex listen to me he won't hurt you he doesn't hate you Okay". He said. "Then why does it feel like he does I said some real mean things to him and If I Were him I hate my self to I already hate my self for saying those things to them god I'm stupid". I said. "Alex come on your tired you said some things you don't mean we can talk about this later". He said. I nodded "Wait Where's the little bots". I said. "Their in your purse now get in". He said. I got in the back I laid my head down on the seat I rubbed my hand on the seat tears hitting the seat "I'm so sorry bee I really am i never meant to say those things I just got angry I missed you guys and I hope you can forgive me I'm sorry buddy I really am but if you can't forgive me that's okay that's fine I understand". I said. I laid down until I fell asleep in the back of bee.

Ironhides Point Of view I walked in the halls I couldn't find her I walked to the hanger where everyone else was I could here the soldiers talking "She's such a crybaby crying all over her brother I guess she regrets what she said." The solider said. Ironhide growler lowly. He soon found will "have you seen her?". He said. "She left with bee she was a crying mess though Ironhide she really regrets saying that she still loves you guys sam had to walk her out here she was a wreak". He said. "How do you know?". I asked him. "I may have been in the hallway at the time". He said. "I'm going to see her". I said. "Wait Ironhide you can't go mearing said you couldn't leave." He said. "I'm not going to listen to some human when I can go see my sparkmate". I said. I walked over to Optimus and jazz good thing they were in the same place. "Let's Go we have to go". I said transforming and driving off with the two following me. I'm coming my sweetspark I'm coming I love you more then you'll ever know and we'll show you we do just you Wait.

Their angel Optimus and Ironhide sequel To my autobotsWhere stories live. Discover now