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Kristen's P.O.V.

     I knew I shouldn't have been yelling at him but I couldn't help my self. We were supposed to be in love. He shouldn't be sneaking out of the house to get away from me. He had scared me to death, and when I told him, in a loud voice, about he just ignored me.
     I stormed off to mine and his room. Tears were running down my cheeks. He's already depressed enough. He deserves this. He's an amazing guy, he doesnt deserve this. He doesn't care. He loves you. Kristen stop being so hard on yourself. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter. Loads of people were asking why Scott hasn't posted since last week. I replied back to a few, saying he was just really busy this week.
     I picked up Scott's camera and started recording myself.
"Hey Scott, it's Kristen... You already know that! Ok, well, I'm really sorry for yelling at you, I love you. This... situation is just... tough, for both of us. I don't know when you'll see this, but hopefully your doing better by then. Never forget, you have a huge group of friends, a great family, and over one million people who look up to you during hard times, they love you, and I love you." I turned off the camera. It felt good to say all that after being mad at Scott. It also gave me an idea, that could help Scotty out of deppresion, without docters and medications.

     I went on twitter, instagram, and snapchat, asking people to send me pictures of Scotty with his friends. Then I told Toddy and David my plan.

Hey bbs!
School can't catch me yet!
This chapter was originally longer
but I felt like the next bit would be
better for chapter nine.
Hope you enjoyed:)

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