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Scotty's P.O.V.

I bopped my head to the song 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance as I made my way to Fitz' house. The loud music blasted through my white ear buds as I pushed open the wooden gate between our houses. The damp grass squished under my feet as I walked through his yard, and the crisp February air made me shiver.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I called, walking through Fitz' back door. I pulled out my ear buds and turned off my music when I saw him walking towards me.

"You're here. Finally. Took you long enough, you do know it's less than a one minute walk to my house, right?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes, shoving my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. "Where's everyone?"

He started walking down the hallway, motioning for me to follow. I did, almost tripping over the carpet into a big plant. God, I was a klutz. Soon we got to a room where a big group of people circled around a computer. Or what I knew was was a computer. You couldn't actually see it because of everyone blocking it.

"Scotty you're here! It's almost done uploading, one click and it'll be up!" David said, walking towards me. Everyone realized I was here and turned in mine and David's direction.

Voices started talking at once, cameras being flung around. Suddenly, a loud 'beep' rang through the room. Everyone quieted at once. I made my way over to the computer, Kristen grabbing my hand. I clutched the mouse and felt Todd's hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon... the anticipation is killing me!" David whispered from beside me.

Everyone laughed and I smiled. I was truly, utterly happy. All of my friends were surrounding me, supporting me. I was about to start my music career, hopefully. I had a dream job and a dream life, most of the time.

I squeezed Kristen's hand, and pressed 'Publish'.

Scotty Sire uploaded: "SCOTTY SIRE - SAD SONG (Official Lyric Video)"

Hey my lovely people
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the whole book
(Don't worry ima post a cheesy farewell in a sec)
Anyway, Liza and David broke up.
Shook. #dizahassunk
This is why I stan Krotty 
KiDdiNg don't come for me
*rolls into cheesy farewell*

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