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David's P.O.V.

I hummed as I turned on The Office, season one, episode one. The couch I sat on was the one in Scotty's house, but nobody else was home. Scott was at Fitz', Jason at Trisha's, Todd at piano lessons, and Kristen out with Liza. Scotty had told me that he was making a song, even read me some of the lyrics, but today he and Fitz were making it into a real song. With music. Without it it was more of poetry.

I laughed as the episode ended, with Jim putting Micheal's Best Boss cup in jello, and turned off the T.V. I was supposed to be editing my new vlog, not watching The Office. I pulled out my laptop, seeing it on my lap, and started to edit the vlog, shrinking it to 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

I sighed as I finished editing the vlog, beginning to upload it to Youtube. I glanced at the time, 5:06pm and raised my eyebrow. I had been editing for almost three hours. As if he knew I had just finished editing, the front door opened and Todd walked in.

"Hey, David. How ya' doing?" He asked, smiling a lopsided grin.

"Keeping myself busy. You?" I replied, shutting off my laptop and moving it onto the coffee table.

"I guess so."

Kristen's P.O.V.

"Ahahahhaha!" Liza yelled upon opening the door.

"Um... hi?" I asked quizzically.

She walked further into her apartment, leaving me at the door. I strolled in, closed the door, and followed her. She walked into the kitchen, grabbing out a bag of All Dressed Potato Chips and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.

"Come." She commanded, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into her living room.

She plopped down on the couch, taking me with her, and turned on Netflix. After binge-watching Thirteen Reasons Why she grabbed her camera, setting it up for our video.

"Hey guys, it's Liza and today I'm here with Kristen! Say 'hi', Kwisten!" She smiled, at the camera, her brown curls pushed behind her ears.

"Hi Kwisten!"

Hope you enjoyed:)
Next chapter out Wednesday, and I'm afraid to say but-
It may be the last chapter
Ahhhhh yikes ikr
Anyway, bye!
*memes out of room, Kermit watching*

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