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"Before I collapse."
"And... What can we do to keep you awake?" I tried to not panic.
"I need to divert my thoughts to something else," she explained.
"And how can I help you?"
"Just start talking random things."
"Well... ok..." I started, "my name is Min Yoongi, I live near to city's center with my uncle who's drunk every single day. I go to school which is something about 40 minutes from my home-"
"Where are your parents?" She cut me off.
"Amm... they passed away..." I replied.

I had a sister named YoonRa, she was 3 years younger than me. When I was at 3rd grade, a car hit my sister and she died. Whole family mourned and after her funeral, my parents couldn't stay here, everything reminded about her, so they flew to USA and left me with my dad's brother. He was a good man. He cared about me and actually loved me. My parents even didn't call me or send money to my uncle. They were like faded away.
At 6th grade my parents called us and said that they are flying to our home. Mom and dad said that they found a good job and I will fly to USA with them. I was so happy (you can imagine). My parents who I thought are out of my life forever, finally will be with me! I will meet them! I was just too happy to be true. My uncle was happy too. He wanted to see his brother because uncle and my dad had a good relationship. It was March 8th. Tomorrow will be my birthday.
At March 9th, I cooked meal with my uncle and we turned on TV when waited for my parents. It was BBC news. "An airplane from California to Seoul just crashed. 14 people passed away, 32 injured." From that moment I couldn't hear anything. Just words replied in my head: "an airplane, to Seoul, crashed, 14 people passed away." I begged that my parents weren't injured or anything else. I begged that mom and dad weren't at that plane, maybe they were late for it. Just. Please.
I ran to my phone and called to them. Both of my parents phones didn't work. I started to cry. I screamed to wall. I screamed to life, why living was so hard to me? Why me? Why my family? Why?! My uncle run to me and said that it will be alright. That they are probably alive. That we have no reason to worry. But somehow I knew that they were dead.
After few days my uncle received a message that my parents passed away. I started to cry again because in me still was a hope until receiving this massage. My uncle started to drink. That's why he's an alcoholic now. And my birthday was ruined forever.
-the end of the flashback-

"Oh, I'm so sorry" Jinyeo said.
"It's ok, you couldn't know that," I said. After that it was awkward there because no one wanted to talk.
"Maybe you tell something about yourself?" I suggested.
"Yoongi, please say that you have water bottle here..." she uttered.
"I-I don't have any..."
"Yoongi, I-I... I'm... I-" she stuttered.
"Please, don't faint," I begged. But it wasn't working. She fell down and I caught her to soften the fall. Why she has a claustrophobia? I don't know how to get out of here. Sh*t.

After something about 20 minutes I heard my phone ringing. I tried to see where it is and it worked. My phone was stuck between something and I tried to pull it out. Finally, it gave up and I answered to phone call.
It was our boss: "Where the hell are you both? Jinyeo doesn't answer to phone calls, so I called to you. You are in big trouble, you know-"
I cut him off: "We're both stuck elevator. Jinyeo's phone is discharged and we couldn't find mine. Thank you for call and we need help. And by the way, Jinyeo fainted."
"Oh, I will call help, goodbye for now," he said and hung up.

"Finally, we will get out of here," I said to Jinyeo, who didn't hear me. I studied her features. She was really beautiful. I wonder, how old is she? It looks like 1 year younger than me.
After a few minutes, elevator's lights turned on and we lifted to 2nd floor. Doors opened. I carried Jinyeo bridal style to the nearest couch. My boss said that I need to deliver. I took all orders and delivered. Whole time I was thinking: will she be alright? what will happen to her?

When my delivery time ended, I drove back to my work's building. On the couch sat Jinyeo with water glass in her hands.
"You're finally awake?"
"Yes, thank you for carrying me out of the elevator," she thanked.
"No problem," I replied.
"I hope that you will be ok..." I said.
"Everything will be fine," she smiled.
"That's good... so see you tomorrow?"
"Yep, bye,"
"Bye," I waved and walked trough the doors. Today was interesting...

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