Chapter 14

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            She runs over to him and tackles him down quickly. "Whoa, slow down there sparky!" He meows, that same familiar smirk on his mouth, and glint in his eyes that sends shivers down her spine. "Who are you, and what are you doing on BlossomClan territory?" She hisses, putting her face so close to his that their noses are almost touching. "Y-you don't remember me?" He meows, faking hurt. "I am very offended right now." Heatherfrost has the urge to rake her claws across his face. "Even with the sarcasm..." She grumbles, and he cocks his head slightly. "Alright sparky, I know you like me and all, but let's make a deal. Let me stand up, and I can tell you who I am." She looks up, closing her eyes, then sighs. "First, I don't like you. Secondly, how can I trust you?" She asks. He shrugs. "You'll just have to," he meows, winking. He has the urge to wink in this situation. She grumbles something under her breath, and then gets off of him slowly. He gets up, and looks like he is about to bolt, then he stays still, and stands up straight. "Pinepaw. Pinepaw of IvyClan." He meows, sitting cautiously. She nods slowly, then thinks. "Buzzardtail and Pebbleshine, right?..." He nods. "They're my parents." She stops to think, then shakes her head. He looks confused. "What?" He asks. "Oh, nothing... Y'know, we should probably head back to our Clans. Don't come back here." She growls, and runs off back into her Clan, where she runs into Graytail and a patrol of cats. "Sorry," Graytail pants, "everyone was asleep, and the patrol was scattered about. Wait, where are the cats?" Heatherfrost freezes. "I-I chased them off. There were less than I thought there were." She meows, straightening her back. Graytail, narrows her eyes, and growls. She then returns to normal and sighs. "Heatherfrost... Be sure there are actually cats next time you want me to help you. You don't need to make excuses." Heatherfrost's pelt flares up in a rage. 'She thought I was lying?!' She hisses in her head. "I'm not lying!" She hisses. Graytail raises an eyebrow. Harebound looks up. "Time to go back." The sun shines through the tree canopy above, so the patrol starts walking back, Graytail at the front along with Harebound, and Heatherfrost at the back with Snowfall. The patrol stays silent. Before they know it they are back at the camp. The morning hunting patrol passes by them just as they walk in. Heatherfrost heads over to the fresh-kill pile to grab something to eat and clear her mind. She grabs a vole in her mouth, then walks over to a sunny patch in the camp to lay down and eat. Just when she takes a bite, she hears a familiar voice say "Hey!" and she jumps  up, turning around, and she sees Pinepaw! She blinks, then in his place is Antpebble. She takes a step back. "Antpebble, I have some questions for you..." She murmurs.

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